
Desired Future State

There’s a term I like to use, that term is “desired future state”.  What it means is a condition in the future that is different, and usually more desirable, than what currently exists.  Here’s an example, let’s say I’m watching election results.  The desired future state is that my candidate wins.

But there’s another definition of the word “state”.  A “state” can also refer to one of the United States. 

From time to time here in California we see an item on a ballot about breaking California into several smaller states.  The main reason for wanting to do so is that politicians nearly always live in, and come from, big cities.  So, people in rural areas don’t feel their concerns are adequately represented.  Essentially, it’s the modern-day equivalent of taxation without representation.

Another reason is that laws that work in the larger cities shouldn’t necessarily be applied to people living in a sparsely populated or rural area.  For example, it doesn’t always make sense to enforce gun laws meant to minimize inner city violence on people who use their weapons to literally protect themselves from bears and mountain lions.  

So, rural California wants to create their own state to give them a voice and representation they currently lack.  In other words, the desired future state for rural California is to have their desired future state.

But there’s another definition of the word “State”.  A “State” (typically capitalized) can also refer to a central government, as in a Socialist State. 

The Left has made no effort to hide their support of a socialist agenda.  They have expressed desire to tear down the country, destroy capitalism and grow the central government.  We can easily see examples of this happening already.

  • A Socialist policy is to control the media.  The entire mainstream media is pushing the bias of Left.  They claim that Biden is the “president elect” even though it isn’t true.  They push stories designed to promote the Left while suppressing stories that promote the Right.  Social media flags Conservative views as “misleading” while rarely doing the same for Liberal views.
  • A Socialist policy is to corrupt the election process.  There are numerous examples of irregularities in this year’s election.  Election monitoring was disrupted, and election rules were changed illegally.  Mail-in voting was rapidly deployed even though it opened the door for the potential of massive voter fraud.
  • A Socialist policy is to punish those who rebel.  The Left’s cancel culture punishes people who merely disagree with them.  The lives and livelihoods of people expressing their opinion have been ruined.
  • A Socialist policy is to encourage or reward people to report on each other.  “See something, say something” is accepted by nearly everyone to help fight against terrorism, but that same tactic is being used against our own people.  But, people are also being encouraged to report when their neighbors gather in groups larger than what has been determined to be “socially distant”.  This gradual erosion of our right to privacy is creating a slippery slope that could lead to broader reporting of dissident behavior in the future.
  • A Socialist policy is to create list of their enemies.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is compiling a list of Trump supporters to “hold them accountable” for their past transgressions.  This list will effectively label them enemies of the State.

The Democrats are working to expand their socialist agenda.  They want to replace the America we have with one that better conforms to their ideology.  In other words, their desired future state is to have their desired future State.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.