
California Conservatives and the Texas Lawsuit

I know, I know.  The term California Conservatives sounds like an oxymoron.  I assure you it’s not.  People think of California and they think “freaking Liberals”.  But while we may be on the left side of the country, we’re definitely not all on the Left. According to the somewhat dubious results of the 2020 election, there are just over 6 million conservatives in California.  And most of us are in complete agreement with Texas. 

I want to make one thing perfectly clear.  California Attorney General Xavier Becerra doesn’t speak for me and he doesn’t speak for over 6 million other Californians.  I didn’t vote for any of the people running our state, certainly not him.  Mr. Becerra didn’t ask me my opinion before he signed California’s name to the wrong side of Texas v. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, and I’m pretty sure he didn’t ask any of the other 6 million conservatives here in California either.

Texas has a history of standing up against impossible odds.  And while the outcome hasn’t always been positive, at least they tried.  And, just as they fought for their independence at the Alamo, they’re fighting for our freedom now.

Every single state should be backing Texas.  What’s at stake is bigger than just who won the election.  This isn’t about Trump or Biden, Republicans or Democrats, it’s about preserving the integrity of our election process.  PA, GA, MI and WI unconstitutionally made changes to their election laws.  They broke the rules.  Their actions negated the lawful vote of tens of millions of voters.  And that cannot stand.

Thankfully, Attorney General Ken Paxton has the balls to try to do something about it and I want him to know that there are 6 million Californians who appreciate what he’s doing for us.

To the states who have joined Texas in the fight for our nation, I say, “thank you”.  To the states who have joined the fight against fair elections, I say, “shame on you”.  To the remaining states who haven’t weighed in, I say, “grow a pair and pick a side”.

I want to thank Ken Paxton for having the courage to stand up and do what’s right.  And Texas, I want you to know you’re not standing alone.  There are 6 million of us here who have your back

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