
Appearance of Guilt

For just a bit, let’s ignore things like statistical anomalies, voting machines connected to the Internet, truckloads of ballots shipped across state lines, ineligible people voting, broken chains of custody, ballot stuffing and the thousands of people who have sworn that they witnessed election fraud. 

Let’s put all that aside for a few minutes.  I’m not saying they’re not true, it’s just that I want to focus on something else right now.

Because even if you ignore all of the things I mentioned above, the Democrats still look guilty of election fraud. 

Here are some, but not all, of the things that are making them look like they rigged the election:

  • They fought against voter ID saying that it would be a burden on minorities when it isn’t.               
  • They pushed for mail-in-voting even though everyone could see how it could be abused.
  • They passed laws removing the need for signature verification on ballots.
  • Their Liberal courts made changes to state election processes even though they aren’t authorized to do so.
  • Republican observers were told to take a break and then not readmitted into the counting area.
  • They forcefully removed Republican election monitors from observing the vote counting (sometimes in handcuffs).
  • The Republicans they did allow to observe had to do so from a vantage point that gave them no visibility into the process.
  • They defied a court order to allow partisan monitors to watch the vote counting process.
  • They put paper over windows so no one could see what’s going on inside the building where votes were being counted.
  • They counted ballots pulled from beneath a table after telling everyone else that counting was done for the night.

So, regardless if the Democrats are actually guilty of election fraud, it sure looks like they are. 

There’s a reason why defendants are dressed up in their Sunday best when they go to court.  It’s because they don’t want to look guilty.  So, they cut their hair, clean themselves up and dress in nice clothes all to give the appearance that they’re innocent.  Even if they’re not.

Democrats are quick to call the accusations “baseless” yet are also putting zero effort into proving that they’re right.  In fact, they’re doing everything they can so that no one can prove that they’re lying. Every step they take gives them the appearance of guilt. 

Here are some examples:

  • States have rushed to certify the election without investigating a single claim of election fraud.
  • Officials have sued to block every attempt to prove that the election was tainted.
  • Democratic judges are dismissing cases without hearing any evidence.  A judge in Georgia wrote his opinion before hearing any arguments.
  • They block independent auditors from accessing election machines.
  • Election officials hurried to delete data from voting machines while the aforementioned block was being appealed.
  • Michigan agreed to allow the forensic audit of 22 voting machines.  Only to have the Michigan Secretary of State successfully petition to have the results of the audit blocked from release.

All of these things make the Democrats look guilty.  A better tactic would be to do whatever they can to make it appear that they’re innocent.  Even if they’re not.

In the months before the election, I had commented that it looked like the Democrats weren’t even trying to win.  They picked a candidate who is mentally declining and has a history of racism.  Their VP pick has a track record of passing laws that hurt minorities.  They didn’t have a platform and told people that information would come after they were elected. I felt it was like they knew something that the rest of us didn’t.  And now we know too.

If Biden ends up being inaugurated, he’s going to be the leader of all Americans, not just the ones who voted for him.  Anyone who has taken Leadership 101 can tell you that his best possible move right now would be to make sure that every Democrat cooperated fully and quickly to help prove that the election wasn’t rigged, and that he won fairly.  If the election was truly fair, don’t you think he’d be doing whatever he can to prove it to the 74 million people whose vote he didn’t receive?

It looks like they’re not even trying to show that they’re innocent.  Every single action they have taken since the election has given them the appearance of guilt.  And, like the election, it feels like they know something that the rest of us don’t. 

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.