
The Biden Files

For those of you who haven’t been keeping track, Trump has been under fire for months because some classified documents were apparently found at Mara Lago.  The Left has been pitching a hissy fit about this and threatening to bring legal action against the former President.

You know what they say about people who live in glass houses?

It was recently discovered that Joe Biden has been misplacing classified documents for years.  Documents have been found in his former offices, in his house and even in his garage.  Turns out, Biden has been losing track of state secrets since back when he was the Vice President.

So, now the White House has to figure out how to spin this so they can continue to claim that Trump’s mishandling of classified documents is bad, while at the same time claiming that Joe Biden forgetting where he put documents is no big deal.

But this time, something’s different.  This time, the press has finally noticed.

I read an article by the Associated Press today.  It was titled “Probe dents Biden’s performance”.  Here’s the first paragraph:

“Joe Biden offered himself to Americans as a president they wouldn’t have to think about after the tumult of his predecessor. But an excruciating week of awkward disclosures and the appointment of a special counsel to investigate classified records found at his Delaware home and a former office dating to his time as vice president is beginning to strain his claim to competence.”

That may well be the most ridiculous thing you hear all week.  Beginning to strain his claim to competence?  Really?  What rock has the Associated Press been living under?  That ship sailed years ago.  Yet they say this like it’s a new thing.

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There have been dozens, if not hundreds of incidents that clearly demonstrate that Biden isn’t in full control of his mental facilities.  In fact, it’s hard to find instances where he didn’t look like he has dementia.

Let’s start with Joe campaigning from his basement.  Or him saying that if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t black”, or that “poor kids are just as bright as white children” or that all black people think alike. 

None of this was reported by the mainstream media.

And it gets worse the closer we get to the present.  Joe himself has admitted that he just signs whatever’s put in front of him.  And how many times in the past few months has Biden shaken hands with the air?  Or simply got lost trying to get offstage. Then there’s the countless times he’s mumbled absolute gibberish.

So, let’s be real.  The question of his competence isn’t something recent.  For those of us not relying on the mainstream media, it’s been obvious for years that he’s not all there.

With all the idiotic politicians that have been running around Washington for the last two hundred and some odd years, it would be unreasonable to assume that misplacing documents isn’t something that happens all the time.  The media could have just continued to ignore Joe being Joe. 

But they didn’t.

I told you months ago that Joe wouldn’t survive as President much past January.  Once Joe makes it past the first half of his term, Kamala can take over and it won’t count as her first term.  So, it won’t be long before the “cancel Joe” engine starts to redline.

But, since the press has ignored everything that happened in the past, they need to move quickly to make up for lost time.  Over the next few weeks, you’re going to see an increasingly-critical press start to magically notice things that we’ve been seeing all along.  And, each time they notice something, they’re going to continue to hint that Joe Biden isn’t competent to hold office.

The lamestream media has been giving Biden a free pass on every gaffe, mental slip, and boneheaded decision since before he took office.  But now they’re not.

The interesting thing here isn’t about misplaced documents.  That happens all the time.  It isn’t that Joe is making yet another goof.  That happens all the time too.  And it isn’t that the media has finally noticed.

No, the interesting thing is that the entire mainstream media started noticing at the exact same time.  It’s like someone holding their leashes pointed at Biden, the current President of the United States, and said, “sic-em”.

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If you ever had a doubt that someone is coordinating the efforts of every liberal news platform in the country, you should doubt no more. 

Sure, the media attacked Trump for years.  But it built up gradually, so we didn’t have a chance to see the magnitude of the problem.  And it happened so often, it sort of became a joke.  As far as the media ignoring Joe, it’s hard to always notice things that don’t happen.  And after a while, we just came to expect it.

With this nearly instantaneous change in the behavior of the entire mainstream press, what’s happening is obvious.  Someone, somewhere, has weaponized the First Amendment.  They trained their sights on the sitting President and the entire media turned and locked on with a laser-like focus.  Keep an eye on this because it’s not likely to ever happen again.

Now, let’s think about who would do this.  It’s not Trump or his supporters, that’s certain.  And it’s not Biden and his supporters.  Attacking your own guy is too crazy even for them.  That leaves the list of possible culprits pretty much wide open.  Is it Russia?  China?  Could be.  Both are equally as likely as anyone else.

Having the American media in your back pocket is a pretty big advantage.  With about half the country getting their information solely from the Liberal press, controlling the press means you have the ability to control how about half the people in the country think.  Which is how we ended up with a doddering old fool as the Leader of the Free World.

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Manipulating people with a corrupt media only works when those people don’t realize they’re being manipulated.  And that’s only going to last as long as you can keep people from realizing the media is corrupt.  Which is kind of hard to do when one day you’re telling people Joe is the best thing since Barack Obama and the next day you’re saying that Joe has to go. 

With this 180-degree turn, more people are going to start noticing there’s something going on.  It would be hard for them not to.  And the more people realize the press has been manipulating them, the less effective it becomes.

The people who weaponized the American press have to know that it’s likely the most powerful weapon in their arsenal.  And they have to realize that using it for a surgical strike like they just did will probably only work once.  Maybe twice.

Which brings us to the really scary thing. 

There are only two reasons why you don’t conserve your ammo.  The first is that you feel threatened.  The second is that you don’t believe you need it anymore. 

So, one of those two things must have happened.  In this case, I’m not certain which one is worse.

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