
Control Group Update #5

As many of you are aware, I’m a member of an elite group of people known as “The Control Group”.  I, along with the other members of The Group, bravely sacrifice our safety and wellbeing by not getting vacksinated and not following any of the recommended precautions. 

We do this to advance our knowledge of the disease and to increase our understanding of the necessity for, and efficacy of, the vackseens, lockdowns and other stupid government policies and mandates.

As anyone who knows the least little bit about science would tell you, having a Control Group is a vital part of any scientific experiment.  And, since the COVID drugs are still considered experimental, then logic would indicate that a Control Group must exist.

As a founding member of the Control Group, I submitted my first report 588 days ago.  My last report occurred 466 days ago.

It’s not that I’ve been shirking my responsibilities.  It’s that there’s been nothing to report.

If you ignore the heart attack I had in the fall of 2021, which had nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with my fondness for bacon and deep-fried foods, my health has been excellent.

I haven’t had so much as a sniffle for the last 466 days.  And that’s after spending more than a week in the cardiac ward and having numerous other doctor visits where, you know, sick people tend to hang out.

I also didn’t wear a mask, didn’t social distance and never bothered to buy any hand sanitizer.  And I <gasp> shook hands with people.

Even after more than two years of not doing anything recommended or mandated to protect me from COVID, I never caught COVID.  Until last week.

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Well, maybe.  It could have been COVID, or it could have been the flu.  We’ll never know.  Because I’m not going to get tested. 

The symptoms of the ordinary-average-everyday flu are nearly identical to the symptoms of COVID.  In fact, the only way to tell one from the other is for “the science” to tell them apart.

As flues go, this one wasn’t bad.  If I had to describe it in one word, that word would be “meh”.  If I had to describe it in four words, those words would be “Meh.  I’ve had worse.” 

From start to finish, it took about two weeks.  The first few days I mostly just slept.  Then I started getting better.  The second week was a little different. 

Do you know how sometimes you feel well enough to be restless but not quite well enough to want to actually do anything?  That was week two.  I spent most of the second week reading and watching TV.  Maybe that was another symptom.  Or maybe my lethargy was related to the fact that it’s rained about six inches here in the last week and nobody feels like doing anything. 

In any case, today is the first day I’d say I’m finally “over it”.  Whatever “it” was.

I’m not sure it even was COVID.  After all, I exhibited only three or four of the 13,000 known symptoms of COVID-19.  I had a stuffy head, sore throat, and a general feeling of malaise. 

My blood pressure was fine (excellent really), and my oxygen levels were even higher than normal.  I may or may not have had a temperature, I couldn’t check because I don’t own a working thermometer.  I had no brain fog and no sore joints.

I may have had COVID, or maybe not.  Without being tested, there’s no way of knowing for sure.  And then there’s the whole “from COVID” or “with COVID” conundrum.  Just because someone tests positive doesn’t mean that’s what’s causing their symptoms.

Throughout the entire ordeal, it never occurred to me, not even once, to test myself for COVID.  Because having that knowledge wouldn’t have made a single bit of difference.  I would have treated my symptoms exactly the same way I did…by not treating them at all. 

I don’t like to mix medications, and the meds I take to prevent another heart attack trump the use of any “night-time sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so-you-can-rest medicine.”

So, I just powered through the mostly non-existent symptoms until I felt better.

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When I became a founding member of The Control Group, our life expectancy wasn’t long.  It was assumed by many that we’d all die horrible deaths from COVID.  We were told that only by being vacksinated could we be certain we weren’t spreading the disease to others.

Now we know that neither of those things are true.  We know that the vackseens won’t stop you from either catching or transmitting the disease, it’s the vacksinated who are dying “suddenly and unexpectedly”, and that people who have been jabbed are many times more susceptible to catching COVID than those of us who haven’t.

Full disclosure, my wife caught what I had.  She’s about a week behind me symptom-wise.  Her employer required her to get tested.  And she tested positive. 

If you believe that a COVID test can differentiate between COVID and any other type of coronavirus, that means, it’s highly likely that I had COVID too.  I’d say it’s a near certainty.  But it took nearly three years of, for all intents and purposes, trying to catch COVID for it to finally happen. 

On the other hand, I know people who are fully vaxxed and have still been sick with COVID multiple times. 

Even without being tested, I’m going to go on the record and say that I had COVID.  I noticed that some things don’t smell quite right which is about the only symptom I can think of that isn’t also a symptom of something else. 

COVID clearly isn’t the death sentence we were told it was when this whole nonsense started.  In my experience, it’s been more irritating than anything else.

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When I first wrote about The Control Group, I did it to point out the ridiculousness of injecting everyone on the planet with an experimental drug.  My argument was that it would be impossible to measure the efficacy of the drugs unless we had some people who don’t take them.

While I was correct about that, I could never have imagined that the data collected could also be used to help explain all the excess deaths, miscarriages and still births, and people literally dying on their feet after being vacksinated.

It’s because of The Control Group that we know that the vackseens are neither safe nor effective.

And, since The Control Group aren’t the ones dying suddenly and unexpectedly, you can rest assured that we will continue our mission of helping to keep you safe while furthering our understanding of COVID vackseens by using, you know, actual science.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.