
Too Ashamed to Admit

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I remember a few years ago, it was back in 2018, I was hesitant to tell anyone I voted for Trump.  Not because I was sorry or embarrassed that I voted for him, but because I never knew what the reaction of the other person would be. 

If someone found out that you voted for Trump, and that person happened to be a Liberal, they went from zero to asshole in less time than it takes to double-scan a batch of Biden votes.  They would consistently start talking, well, yelling actually, about Russian collusion and what a big racist Trump is. 

Now, neither of those things, nor most of the other things the never Trumpers claimed, were true.  But that didn’t stop them from demonstrating their indignance about my supposed ignorance in a loud and asshole-ish sort of way.  It’s still happening today.

So, for the most part, I kept my politics to myself because I didn’t want the hassle of having a Trump-hater get in my face.  That wouldn’t have ended well for either of us.

Now, here we are almost a year after the election and no rational person can tell you with a straight face that we’re better off now than we were back in January.  The borders are mostly just a dashed line on a map, gas prices are almost twice what they were, and store shelves are bare.  Experimental drugs are being forced on millions of people who know better than to voluntarily take them, while unvacksinated illegal aliens are transported to small-town America under the cover of darkness.

Yeah, we’re so much better off with Biden at the helm.  The only good thing I can say is that he’s been turning things to shit at a rate much slower than I had anticipated. 

Here’s what I want to know, what happened to all the people who voted for Joe Biden?

Even if you discount all the dead people voting, and the double votes, and the triple votes and all the other types of fraudulent votes, a lot of people voted for Biden.   So, where are they?

Do you know what I don’t see these days?  I don’t see any Biden/Harris bumper stickers.  Not a one.  I’m sure there must be at least one somewhere but they’re not anywhere I tend to travel.  Nobody is flying flags, putting signs in their yards or wearing clothes proclaiming their support for Biden or for his policies.

It must really suck to be a Biden voter these days.  Notice that I didn’t say “Biden supporter”, because more and more, Biden voters are ceasing to be Biden supporters. 

Have you ever heard the silly phrase “all camels are mammals but not all mammals are camels”?  It’s sort of like that.  All Biden supporters were Biden voters, but not all Biden voters are still Biden supporters. 

I think it’s safe to say that anyone who is still a Biden supporter, if such a person exists, was someone who voted for him.  But not everyone who voted for Joe is still on his side.  And clearly nobody who wasn’t a Biden supporter before has flipped sides and become one now.

Let’s get back to bumper stickers.  Now, it’s the people who voted for Biden who aren’t comfortable admitting who they voted for.  Some, if not most, of the people who voted for him have since come to their senses and wish they hadn’t done the stupid thing that they did.  Others are concerned about the backlash if a Trump supporter were to discover their ugly secret.

But they don’t have the same thing to worry about as I had to.  As I mentioned, Liberals immediately went non-linear and there was a good possibility their insanity would turn into physical violence.  A Trump/Pence bumper sticker on my car meant that my car would likely be damaged by morning.  There’s a good reason it’s called “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.

However, Liberals don’t have to worry about Trump supporters resorting to physical violence.  For one thing, Conservatives are a lot more level-headed than Liberals.  So, should a Liberal be outed as a Biden Voter/Supporter there’s no reason for them to fear for their safety.  There’s only one thing they should be concerned about. 

That one thing is ridicule.

Because if I ever find out that someone voted for Biden, the first thing I’m going to do is to point and laugh at them.  Then, when I finally catch my breath and wipe the tears from my eyes, I’m going to proceed to mock, ridicule, tease and belittle them.  Mercilessly.  Which might hurt their feelings.

Back when Liberals were complaining about things that weren’t true, I could have come back with any number of replies.  You know, little things like a booming economy, energy independence, global respect for the United States and a growing peace in the Middle East.  I could have, but I didn’t.  Because responding to a Liberal in a rational way with…you know…actual facts, is like throwing gas on an open flame. 

But, now when the shoe is on the other foot, Biden voters don’t have the same opportunity that I had.  Joe isn’t giving them anything to work with.

The fact is, there isn’t a single good thing that Biden has done since he took office.  I’d go so far as to say he hasn’t done more than a handful of truly good things in the past 50 years.  So, none of the people who voted for Biden have anything that they can even remotely use to justify their actions. 

I mean, while I’m pointing and laughing at their stupidity, what could they possibly come back with?  I can hear them now, “Yeah, well maybe gas prices have doubled but at least our borders are secure!”  Nope.  Try again.

How about, “Actions speak louder than words.  Sure, he’s incoherent but did you see the way he tackled the stairs the other day?  He didn’t fall down once!”  Also not a great flex.

The best witty retort they could possibly come up is the same one they used to justify their vote back in November of last year.  That is, “he’s not Trump”.  Well guess what?  He’s not even Joe Biden anymore.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.