
Universal Vote Buying

Not being content with all the ways they rigged the 2020 election, the Democrats have come up with a plan to remain in power by simply buying people’s votes.  Except they can’t make it obvious that’s what they’re doing. So, they’re using “stimulus checks” and a multi-trillion Federal budget as a means of buying voters.

Let’s say there was a candidate running on the platform of eliminating big government and cutting government spending.  This would include reducing the number of federal employees, getting rid of needless government programs and cancelling unnecessary government-funded projects.  Sounds good.  Right?

Anyone who has been in business knows that the fastest way to reduce expenses is to reduce the number of employees you have.

There are about two million civilian federal workers.  How many of them would be willing to vote for someone who might cut their job?  Many government workers have spouses.  I’d say it’s pretty unlikely that the spouses would support someone wanting to cut their family budget. 

A lot of those workers and their spouses have voting-age kids and/or parents.  Do you think any of them are going to vote for someone who wants to take away mom or dad’s (or daughter or son’s) job?

I don’t think it would be unreasonable to estimate that those two million federal employees would result in five million votes for the not-going-to-cut-government-jobs candidate.  If anything, that estimate is probably low.

Now, consider this.  The federal government has over four million contract employees.   The same logic that applies to regular employees also applies to contract employees.  Using my back-of-the-envelope guess of a 2.5x vote amplifier, these four million contract employees would result in 10 million votes for the bigger-is-better candidate.

So, right out of the gate, the candidate in favor of big government, or at least not a smaller government, has 15 million votes.

Add in all the people working on unnecessary government-funded projects (think The New Green Deal) and that number could easily double.  Now we’re at 30 million votes.

And that’s not even counting the millions of voters who get Welfare checks every month.  How many Welfare recipients would vote for a candidate that wanted to get people off Welfare and make them self-reliant?  Damn few, that’s how many.

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has proposed a Universal Basic Income.  She sees the program starting out locally and expanding nationwide over the next seven years.  Her plan would eventually provide monthly payments to families making less than $112,500 per year.  That includes about 90% of all families in the United States. Which is a whole lot of voters.

Essentially, what she’s proposing is “Universal Welfare”.

If Ilhan Omar and the Democrats can make Universal Welfare happen, they’ll have essentially bought the votes of tens of millions of people.  Oh sure, it won’t look that way at first.  But that’s what’s going to happen.  Because people are people.

You see, most people won’t save their Universal Welfare checks for a rainy day or a college fund.  No, they’ll buy a new car, or a new/bigger house, or new cell phones for everyone because they’re “Friday Night Rich”.  They’ll overextend their credit and find themselves in a place where they must have the government checks to be able to make their monthly payments.

A few of us will recognize this to be a horribly bad idea and we’ll vote for a fiscally-responsible candidate.  But a lot of people won’t.  So, they’ll continue to vote for any candidate that makes them a promise of more “free money”.  Because they have to.  Because they’ve spent themselves into a financial hole where they can’t afford for the checks to stop.

Once someone becomes reliant on government handouts, there’s no way they can vote for someone who might take them away.  Even if they wanted to.  And, if the Democrats can get enough people to fall for this trick, there’s no way they can lose.

Regardless of what the Democrats say, their plan to push our national debt north of $30 trillion isn’t meant to “build back better” (whatever the hell that means).  It’s meant to be a sneaky way to buy enough votes to keep them in power.  Forever.

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