
Strike One

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A couple of days ago, I told you how YouTube gave me a warning and censored the very first post I made on their site.  They claimed I was spreading misinformation and contradicted what the World Health Organization or local health authorities say about COVID-19.

The next day, I submitted a post detailing how crazy it was that one of my posts was censored by YouTube.  I fully expected YouTube to take offense at that and give me a strike.  Because I said many of the same things in that post as I did in the first one.

Today I got my first strike.  But it wasn’t because of my post complaining about YouTube. It was because of Friday’s article titled “Garth Brooks, MD”.  Where I once again somehow spread medical misinformation.  This time, apparently I made a claim “about COVID-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO)”. 

Once again, I sent YouTube an appeal with the following message:

“I’d really like to be able to fix this.  Can you tell me what information I shared that would be considered “misinformation”?  If you can be more specific, I’d happily change anything that isn’t factual and resubmit.”

Now, just between you and me, I had no intention of changing anything.  But they didn’t know that.  I just wanted to know what they took objection to.

It took a few hours but eventually I received a reply.  Here it is:

“We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our medical misinformation policy.”

Well, isn’t that special. Now I’m banned from posting new content on YouTube for a week.  It’s good to know that they carefully reviewed my content, but I still have no idea why they pulled it down in the first place.

It’s obvious that they know.  They must.  Right?  In order for them to flag my post as “misleading”, they must have at least one employee that’s up to date on COVID-19 policies worldwide.  And that employee had to have listened to my post and decided that I was wrong.

So why not tell me where I’m being misleading?  I volunteered to correct my post.  If their goal is to stop the spread of misinformation, what better way is there than helping people spread the right information?

The interesting thing here is that, apparently, the WHO is considered by YouTube to be the overriding authority on all things COVID-19.  I guess the CDC is one of those “local health authorities” that they mention. 

Let me see if I have this straight. The organization that is strongly influenced by the Chinese Communist Party, and who is at least partly to blame for the entire pandemic, is what YouTube holds up as the gold standard for scientific information.


These are the same people who helped China hide the outbreak until it simply became too large for them to deny…and contain.

I honestly don’t understand why they censored my post.  I never said people shouldn’t get vacksinated.  I did say that the vackseens aren’t working as well as they used to.  Which is true.  I also said that using vacksination status to determine someone’s potential contagiousness isn’t wise.  Well, the word I used was “ridiculous”.  But that’s also true.

I drew a comparison between the smallpox vaccine and the COVID-19 vackseens.  The information about the smallpox vaccine came directly from the CDC, and I also quoted the CDC as saying that the number of COVID-19 breakthrough cases are underreported.

If the CDC and the WHO don’t happen to agree, how is that my problem?

I didn’t disagree with anybody.  I didn’t even bitch about making people wear masks.  And, I didn’t once call anyone an idiot or a moron.  Which, for me, is a real accomplishment.  My recommendations for protecting people from COVID-19 were even more strict than the WHO, the CDC and Garth Brooks.  The policies I came up with could potentially…you know…work.

Ah, maybe that’s the problem.  By pointing out the silliness of letting entertainers dictate vacksination mandates, maybe, just maybe, I implied that we shouldn’t believe everything we’re told.  Even if it comes from someone in authority.

This isn’t about free speech.  I have lot of other places where my voice is heard.  YouTube isn’t stopping me from saying anything.  But they are stopping you from hearing me.  Which isn’t quite the same thing, and in my opinion, is much, much worse.

YouTube doesn’t seem to be interested in promoting facts, logic and reason.  They only thing YouTube is interested in is making sure that we don’t hear anything that contradicts what the authorities are telling us to believe.  If the facts don’t align with the official message, then YouTube won’t let you hear the facts.  And, if what we’re being told by the authorities defies all logic and reason, well, they don’t want you to hear about that either.

So, I’ve made my last post to YouTube, because it’s too difficult to aim at a target they’re unwilling, or unable, to define.  I’ll save YouTube for the important things like videos of people getting kicked in the crotch and ducks riding on Roombas.

Related Articles:

So you want me to get “vaccinated”
A Strike Against Free Speech
Garth Brooks, MD

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