
Peas, Pod…You Know the Thing!

A few days ago, a friend of mine mentioned that she had heard Biden would be forced out of office before the end of August.  She was concerned what would happen if or when Kamala became president. 

My response was, “Who cares?”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I obviously care.  But what I was saying was that it doesn’t matter which one of those two is “president”.  Because both are equally as bad.

I know, I know, I bitch about Biden and talk like everything is his fault.  But it’s not.  Well, technically, he is in charge. But I don’t know anybody who actually believes he’s calling the shots.

By now, everyone should be in agreement that Joe isn’t calling the shots.  If you truly believe that Joe Biden is capable of leading the United States, then you’re just not paying attention.  And shame on you for pretending to have an informed opinion.

Some group is behind the scenes propping Joe up and pulling his strings.  There has to be.  Let’s face it, no single person is capable of fucking up things as much as things have been fucked up since January 20th.  Not by accident anyway.

Here are a few examples.  But this is by no means an exhaustive list:

Energy Independence – Gone.

Border Security – None.

Afghanistan – I think calling it a “shit show” is too kind.

COVID Fear – Fully stoked. COVID policies, nonsensical.

Iran – Back to producing uranium.

The Budget Deficit and National Debt – Unimaginably high.

The Constitution – Under attack.

I don’t think Joe could make more mistakes if he tried.  Nobody is that stupid.  To get that amount of stupid, you need a committee…with intent. 

But let’s get back to Kamala.  She’s an idiot.  I’ve lived in California for over 10 years and had front-row seats to her insane politics.  We’re not talking about an intellectual prodigy here.  When Kamala takes office, there’s no reason to believe that she’ll be any more capable than Joe.

Which means that she’s not going to be capable of leading the country either.  Which means that she’s going to be president in name only (PINO?) and someone else will be pulling her strings.

Exactly like Joe.

Pop Quiz:
Name me one thing that Joe Biden has done that has been good for the United States.

Buzzz. Time’s up.  That’s OK.  I couldn’t do it either.  You can play this game at home.  Ask your Biden-voting friends if they can come up an example.  They’ll come up blank too.  Because nothing Joe Biden has done has been for the good of the country he was supposedly elected to lead.

President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” hats are simply called “MAGA” hats.  But calling them that dilutes the message.  MAGA stands for “Make America Great Again”.  Everyone could see the goal.  You might not have agreed with the goal, but you could see what it was.

Biden’s slogan is “Build Back Better”.  But, what’s his goal?  There’s no indication of what we’re supposed to be making better.   It’s easy to conclude that since not a single thing he’s done has been beneficial to our country, what we’re building back better sure as hell isn’t the United States.

Which brings me back to the committee running Joe, and that will soon be running Kamala.  If none of the things they’ve done has been good for America, it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to think that maybe whoever’s handling them is intent on doing us harm.

The sad fact is that it doesn’t matter which one of them is president.  Because whether it’s Joe or Kamala sitting in the Oval Office, we’ll still be building something back better.  We just don’t have any idea what it is.

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