

I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to be just told what to do.  Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t mind doing things.  As long as the person trying to get me to do something has a valid argument, I can probably be convinced to do it.

I haven’t gotten vacksinated and I have no intention of doing so.  It’s not that I have anything against vaccines in general.  I just don’t know enough about the COVID vackseens to make an informed decision. Someone would need to inform me.

There’s a lot I don’t know about those drugs.  For instance, I don’t know if they’re safe, effective or necessary.

I’ve been told that the vackseens are effective.  But I can’t measure it myself.  So how can I know for sure?  I’ve been told that the vackseens are necessary.  But I only know two people who have contracted COVID and both of them had mild cases.  I’ve been told that the drugs are safe.  But nearly every vacksinated person I know has had some sort of adverse reaction.  And many of those reactions have been serious.

What I’m being told and what I’m witnessing don’t jibe.

The only thing I know for certain is that there’s an awful lot of effort being put into telling me I should take their stupid drugs.  And remember, I don’t like people telling me what to do.

So I’m going to push back when I’m told I need to allow myself to be injected with a permanent, experimental drug.  Before there’s even a chance of me agreeing to be jabbed, it’s going to take some convincing.

Someone needs to convince me that the drugs they’re pushing aren’t going to harm me, that they’re worth taking and that they’re even needed.  But in order for them to convince me, I have to be able to believe what they’re saying.

Here’s the problem with that.  After all the shenanigans that have been pulled over the last year and a half by so-called “experts”, it’s hard to find someone I’d consider to be a reliable source of information.  Everyone who should know what they’re talking about has lost their credibility.

There is no one left to believe.

I can’t believe the World Health Organization because they’re just a propaganda arm of the Chinese government.  They created this whole mess by trying to hide what was going on in China from the rest of the world.

I can’t believe the CDC because they decided early on that politics was more important than public health.  Well, that and they don’t seem to have their shit together.  Watching them change their mind is like watching a tennis match. 

I can’t believe Joe Biden because he’s…you know…insane.  At a CNN “town hall” recently, Biden claimed, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”  Really.  I guess someone forgot to tell all the fully-vacksinated people who are getting sick and dying from COVID.  That is, if they didn’t die from the vackseen first. 

I can’t believe Anthony Fauci because he’s admitted to lying in order to manipulate people into doing what he wanted them to.  I watched him spar with Rand Paul last week and he’s obviously trying to hide something.  Tony is in full-on “cover your ass” mode and will say whatever it takes to keep himself out of jail.  And in the spotlight.

I can’t believe the pharmaceutical companies because they have billions of dollars on the line.  Big Pharma doesn’t make money for every person they save, they make money for every person they inject.  Their only goal is to get as many people as they can to roll up their sleeves.  Safety be damned.

I can’t believe Big Media because they simply parrot back whatever they’re told by everyone I already mentioned.  The news organizations, who are supposed to be keeping people honest, are instead helping them keep us in the dark.

I honestly don’t believe that I could ever be convinced to take a COVID vackseen.  Because all of the people who are telling me to get vacksinated have one thing in common.  None of them are believable.   

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.