
Don’t Blame Me

I told you this was going to happen.  I thought it would happen later in the year, so I was a little off with the timing.  But we’re exactly where I figured we’d end up.  Just a little sooner.  Some local governments are starting to enforce mask mandates and social distancing again.

Presumably this is because of the wild-and-crazy COVID variants that are supposedly even worse than the sky-is-falling, garden variety COVID.  The disease is ramping back up.  No one should be surprised.  Except this time the symptoms are persistent cough, headache, fever and sore throat. 

Hmm.  I had all those symptoms a few weeks ago and it wasn’t COVID at all.  Turns out it was just a cold.  [Check out “Relax. It’s Just a Cold“]

Along with the newly-returned policies, vacksinated people have started bitching about having to go back to wearing masks and social distancing.

The typical complaint goes something like this:

“I’m fully vacksinated so why should I have to wear a mask?  Those selfish unvacksinated people are ruining it for everyone.”

Really. I just have to reply.

I get it.  If I had played vackseen roulette, managed not to die, and then powered through symptoms worse than the disease itself, only to find that I still have to wear a mask, I’d be pissed too.  But you’re barking up the wrong tree.

I think I can speak for all unvacksinated people when I say that we’re not expecting anyone else to take responsibility for our safety.  We’re perfectly content walking around unmasked, and we accept any and all risks that come with doing so.

I guarantee you, there is not a single unvacksinated person saying, “I don’t want to be injected with an experimental drug.  But I do want everyone else to wear a mask so I don’t get sick.”  We don’t want the government, or you, to protect us from anything.  If the government is forcing you to wear a mask, it’s not because we asked them to.  Hell, even if the mask mandates do return, most unvacksinated people aren’t going to wear them anyway.

Now, I’m not saying we don’t ask the government for stuff.  But we’ve been pretty clear on what we do want.  We want the illegal immigration problem fixed.  We want someone to get the homeless off the streets.  We want ANTIFA to be treated like the domestic terrorist organization it is.  And we really want our elections to be fair and honest.

If the government ever gets around to fixing any of those issues, then sure, go ahead and point your finger our way.  But these stupid and useless COVID policies?  That’s not on us.

The people you should be upset with are the people putting those silly policies in place. 

Consider this: The number of “breakout” cases is on the rise and more fully-vacksinated people are getting infected daily.  A recent study in the UK found that vacksinated people make up nearly half (47%) of all new COVID cases.  Do you really think that unvacksinated people are the only ones spreading the disease?  Don’t be ridiculous.

If anything, we unvacksinated people should be mad at the people who signed up to be guinea pigs.   At least if I get infected, I’ll probably know it so I can take a sick day.  But vacksinated people have been turned into the COVID equivalent of Typhoid Mary and can spread the disease willy-nilly without even knowing it.    

How many unvacksinated people have been unknowingly infected by a fully vaxxed carrier of the disease?  Clearly the number is greater than zero.  And if half of the currently-infected people have been vacksinated, the number is a lot bigger than zero.  But do you hear unvacksinated people whining about it?  No, you don’t.

That’s because those of us who remain unvacksinated aren’t living in fear of catching a disease that most of will recover from just fine.  We’re not expecting anyone other than ourselves to take responsibility for our health.  We don’t want the government to protect us, which means we certainly don’t want to see more ineffective, horse shit, government-imposed COVID policies.

So, if the policies and mandates return to your area, don’t blame us.  It’s not our fault.  Because we don’t want them either.

Related Articles:

What’s In a Name?
(Still) Virus Free
Relax, It’s Just a Cold
The Control Group
Control Group Update: May 2021

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