
Positively Healthy

About 25 years ago, I was at a business dinner.  The person across the table from me mentioned that he had read a study that indicated people tend to live about as long as they think they’re going to.  For example, if someone believes they’re going to live until they’re 70 years old, then barring an accident, they’ll live until about 70.

I decided right then that I’m going to live until I’m 125 years old.  There was no thought or reasoning put into selecting that number, it just sounded good.  I still believe it’s going to happen.

I don’t rely entirely on the power of positive thinking.  I do what I can to help meet that goal.  I’ve never smoked, drank or done drugs of any kind.  I try to eat things that are good for me.  With the exception of a COVID vackseen, I’ve had all of my vaccinations.  And, I don’t get stressed.  In fact, I can’t tell you the last time I was actually worried.  About anything.    

It’s been known for a long time that stress and anxiety can weaken one’s immune system.  Since I don’t get stressed, my immune system purrs like a kitten.  I rarely get sick.  And I’m not concerned when I do become ill, because I know I’ll get better.  I always do.

I realize I’m not normal.  Most people get stressed about something.  And, as I mentioned, it has been scientifically proven that the higher your stress, the less effective your body is at fighting off infections.

So, I started thinking about the last year and how it impacted people’s (other people, not me) stress level.

Let me tell you from experience that being cooped up with a bunch of kids is no picnic.  Oh sure, it’s easy to put up with your kids for a long weekend, maybe a week tops, but being in lockdown with them for months?  Clearly that’s going to cause the stress level of any normal person to rise.

Next, add “The Great Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitizer Shortage of 2020” (an unfortunate combination of things to run out of).  We’ve all seen how people are affected when someone can’t “spare a square”.  The anxiety level increases, and the needle continues to move upward. 

Then, take those same already-stressed people and make them face the real possibility of losing their jobs, savings and homes.  That’s got to take a toll on their mental wellbeing too.

Finally, throw in the much-hyped “oh my God COVID is a death sentence” malarky and the stress level heads for the stars.

If someone gets hit with anything after their stress level has been maxed out, and their immune system has been nerfed, they’ll probably catch it.  Toss in a “you definitely have COVID even though this test can’t say for certain that you do” PCR test and that’s when real panic sets in. 

And that can be the difference between merely being exposed to something, and actually getting sick from it.

I’ve convinced myself that I’m going to live until I’m 125 years old.  I probably will.  If my positive attitude can act as a placebo and help keep me healthy, then someone’s frazzled mental health can have the opposite effect.  If you convince an already-stressed-out person they’re absolutely going to get sick, they probably will. 

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.