
Extra Crispy COVID

Like many people, I’ve chosen not to get a COVID-19 vacksination.  My reasoning is simple.  I’m healthy, so even if I were to contract the disease, I’d most likely be OK.

Even though I’m not vacksinated, I don’t wear a mask.  I freely walk wherever I want to go, unconcerned that I may become infected.  I’m not the least bit worried and I don’t quake in fear whenever I sneeze, thinking that I might have caught the disease.

Honestly, if it weren’t for all the people still walking around wearing masks, and the over-hyped media attention, COVID-19 probably wouldn’t even cross my mind.

But if I had been vacksinated, I’d be thinking about it all the time.  If I had been vacksinated, I would constantly be wondering if whatever ailment I’m experiencing, real or imaginary, is a yet-to-be-discovered side effect of the vackseen.  Each time I felt normal 60-year-old aches and pains, I’d wonder if it’s a sign the vackseen is killing me. 

It’s ironic really.  I would worry more about dying from a vackseen than I am about the virus it’s supposed to protect me from.

Thankfully, I haven’t been vacksinated so I don’t have to worry about that.  But about a couple hundred million people in the United States should be worrying.  Because new, sometimes fatal, side effects from taking the drugs continue to be discovered.  It would be irrational to believe that they won’t discover more.

And, with odds no one can calculate, another one of those yet-to-be-discovered adverse reactions could prove to be life-threatening or even fatal.  So, those who have been vacksinated should go to sleep each night wondering if this is the night from which they won’t awake.  Because they’ve been injected with a vackseen that isn’t fully understood.  By anyone.

Once we get past the two-year mark, I might start to feel confident that they’ve finally uncovered all the adverse side effects of their drugs.  Because that’s about the length of time for a typical drug trial.  But, until then, if I were vacksinated, I’d be worried every waking minute.

Oh sure, the drug companies and Fauci will swear that the drugs are safe.  But no one can accelerate time, so no one really knows for sure if the drugs are safe in the long-term.  Fauci and Big Pharma have made educated guesses, but those guesses are influenced by their desire to sell more doses of their drugs.  So, take those guesses for what they’re worth…which isn’t much.

And now there’s the “Delta Variant” (for some reason, we skipped over beta and gamma).  Apparently, this new and improved version of COVID-19 is highly contagious.  And it’s so dangerous that its symptoms are a sore throat, runny nose, fever and headaches.  You know, exactly the same symptoms as the common cold.  And, minus the fever, exactly the same symptoms you might see with seasonal allergies.

Now the WHO is recommending that everyone, even people who have been vacksinated, continue to wear masks and social distance because the Delta variant of COVID-19 might give you the sniffles.

I wasn’t afraid of the original recipe COVID-19 and I’m not afraid of the extra crispy version either.  And, since I won’t be lining up to be vacksinated any time soon, I don’t have to be worried about being killed by some still-undiscovered adverse reaction to a vackseen.

But hundreds of millions of Americans are afraid and hundreds of millions did get vacksinated.  And, since the WHO doesn’t seem to believe the current vackseens provide protection from this new mutation, there is likely to be yet another vackseen required.

Which means that in addition to being deathly afraid of extra crispy COVID (aka “common cold”), the vacksinated people should also be worried that the next newly-discovered side effect of the vackseen they’ve already been injected with might just be the one that kills them.

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