
Necessarily Offensive

I was working at a small company many years ago.  We were looking for investors and found someone who was willing to give us some money.  The problem was that we needed the signature of one of the company’s original founders (let’s call him “Bob”) to make it happen.

Unfortunately, the current CEO had, at one time or another, said something about Bob.  Someone told Bob what was said, and Bob didn’t like it because it embarrassed him.  Now, what the CEO said about Bob was the truth.  He didn’t lie or make anything up.  In fact, it was something that pretty much everyone already knew, but no one talked about. 

So, the signature came with a caveat.  Before Bob would sign on the dotted line, the CEO had to apologize to him.  For telling the truth.  We needed the money, but we didn’t need it that bad.  The CEO apologized anyway.  He apologized to Bob for any unnecessary embarrassment he may have caused.  Bob was satisfied and signed the document.  And we got our funding.

I asked the CEO why he apologized to Bob.  We had other investors interested and could have simply signed with someone else next week.  His reply was: “If you pay attention to what I said, you’ll see that I apologized for any unnecessary embarrassment.  Since what I said about Bob was necessary, it doesn’t fall within the parameters of the apology. So, he didn’t really get the apology he was looking for.”

I started writing this blog almost a year ago.  To date, I have written and published over 225 articles.  I’d say that nearly all, if not all, of them offends somebody. 

It’s not that the things I say aren’t true, it’s that the Left has made people fear about speaking out.  So, things that should be talked about go unsaid.  Because they might offend someone.  Ideas and points-of-view that should spark discussion are suppressed so that no one will have their sensitive feelings hurt.

Well, boo-freaking-hoo.  I got tired of the Internet being a one-sided “debate” filled only with Liberal bullshit and I decided to do what I could to change that.  A lot of what I say are things that most people already know, but just don’t talk about. So, I say the things that I say.  Because they need to be said.

From time to time the Liberals strike back.  I have been called a racist (their go-to insult), a pedophile (their second-favorite insult), stupid, ignorant and a host of other not-so-nice things.  Not because I said something that wasn’t true, but because I said something they didn’t want to hear.

If fact, I have exactly one review on FB.  That review obviously came from a Liberal.  He didn’t like how I spoke about BLM, so he gave me one star.  I suspect he would have given me no stars if it were possible to do so. His complaint was that my posts are “incredibly emotional”.  In short, he got his feelings hurt.

Sometimes the truth is difficult to hear.  Sometimes it comes with an emotional burden that is the price one pays for enlightenment.  Sometimes it offends the ignorant.

But the truth is always necessary.

As difficult as it may be to believe, I’m not a monster.  I understand that facts, logic and reason aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.  I understand that not everyone has the emotional maturity required to think objectively.  I get that.  I really do.

Therefore, I’ve decided to make amends.  I have decided that I’m going to apologize to those people who are too ignorant to understand that a free exchange of ideas is necessary for a strong democracy, or who are so stupid that their only recourse is to punish anyone who simply disagrees with them.  Or both.

So, with complete sincerity, I say to everyone who has had their feelings hurt by my words:

I apologize if I unnecessarily offended you.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.