
Joe vs. Vlad

Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to take part in a discussion broadcast live and in real time.  This should be something that every American supports.  After all, we’re the sole remaining superpower and enjoy the high ground of moral superiority.  Every one of us should be demanding that our “President” duke it out with Putin in a battle of wits.

So, why isn’t everybody?  I’ll tell you why.  Because Joe Biden would embarrass us.  And, the world would see that the United States government is the weakest it has been since World War II.

If the election results are legitimate, then slightly less than half the country is going to agree with my last paragraph.  And, slightly more than half of the country is going to disagree with it.

I’ll admit, I’m one of the people who think this would be a horrible idea.  I believe Joe Biden is merely a husk of his former self, which didn’t carry much substance even when it was filled with his former self.  If we had a time machine and a Joe Biden in his prime could have a live, on-air discussion with the Vladimir Putin of today, Joe wouldn’t stand a chance.  Vlad would wipe the floor with him. 

I’m not the only one who believes that.  If Joe Biden was fairly elected, then slightly less than half of the country agrees with me. 

So where are the people who don’t agree with us?  There should be 81,283,098 who believe that, of the 100 million or so qualified candidates for President of the United States, Joe Biden was the best possible choice.

I’d like to hear from them. 

So, Biden supporters, answer me this:  If we take your guy and remove his teleprompters, earpiece and whatever they’re juicing him with, then have him sit down with the President of Russia and have a conversation, not a debate, just a conversation, how do you think that’s going to go?

If you truly believe it will go well, then you and 81,283,097 other people should be demanding that “your guy” show the world what he’s made of.  This is the perfect opportunity to show the other 74,222,958 people that you made the right choice. And that we were wrong.

I want you to look me in the eye and tell me that the guy you voted for solely because he wasn’t Donald Trump would be able to cross verbal swords with Vladimir Putin and come out on top.  Hell, he probably couldn’t even take 2nd place.

The conversation doesn’t need to be about anything of substance.  They can talk about the weather, sports, flowers, traffic, or literally anything else.  As long as Joe Biden isn’t being propped up by his handlers, everyone will see that the wheel is still spinning but the hamster is dead.

Tell me how an unassisted Biden talking with anyone is going to make the United States look anything but weak.

You won’t.  Because you can’t.

The only thing that a live, unrehearsed, unedited, no-delay discussion between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin would do is prove to the world that “leader” of the United States is a senile, frail old man. 

But it won’t even take a live discussion for everyone to see that.  Neither one of them needs to utter a single word.  All they need to do is take a walk together.  And climb a few stairs.

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