
Asian is the New Black

Hey everybody.  This is a friendly reminder that it’s time to re-accessorize.  It’s 2021 and you know what that means.  Yup.  It’s time you upped your virtue-signaling game and start protesting racism against people of Asian descent.  White on black racism?  That is SO last year.

Hanging around with your black friends so you can use them as eye candy just won’t cut it anymore.  You need something better.  All the really-socially-aware people have switched to using Asians.  If you continue to accessorize with black friends, why, you’re going to look like you have no race-fashion-sense whatsoever.

As everyone knows, trends start in California and work their way east.  Governor Gavin Newsom stated weeks ago that he was going to hire a black woman to complete Diane Feinstein’s term as Senator.  I didn’t matter which black woman. As long as she was a woman, and she was black, then Newsom would look great standing next to her.

Flash forward to this week, Newsom had to appoint someone as the Attorney General.  Was it a black woman?  Nope.  He appointed Rob Bonta, a Filipino-American.  And Newsom looks all nice and stylish standing next to that Asian man.

Like I said, black is so passé. 

And now that California has signaled that black is out of style, the fashion trend is going to sweep eastward like a wildfire.  Soon everyone will be accessorizing with Asian.

Not to be left behind, Big Media has already made the change.  They’ve put the outdated “racist white policemen are trying to exterminate black men” headline back on the shelf and are proudly displaying their “violence against Asians is on the rise” banner. 

The racist white guys also seem to be making an attempt to make a fashion statement.  If violence against Asians is on the rise, they must have switched to beating on Asians instead of black men.  I mean, what self-respecting white supremacist would want to be caught on camera persecuting a black man in 2021?  Can you imagine what his racist white friends would think?  I’m guessing they’d probably laugh him right out of the bar.

Big Media and politicians were quick to jump on the “must be racially motivated” bandwagon last week in Atlanta when they discovered that the majority of the victims were Asian.  Even after the suspect himself said that it wasn’t.  But, when ten white people are killed just days later, the hate-crime aspect of the crime is hardly mentioned.  That’s because caring about white victims went out of style in 2019 and accusing a Muslim of hate is a fashion faux pas that one just doesn’t make.

President Trump was criticized for calling COVID-19 the “China Virus”, even though it more likely than not originated in China.  Naming flu strains after geographic locations is tradition.  No one has had a problem with “Spanish Flu”, “Asian Flu”, “Hong Kong Flu” or the “Russian Flu”.  But today, since Asian is the minority du jour, calling something the “China Virus” is suddenly racist and xenophobic.  [Fun fact: The “Swine Flu” was renamed to H1N1 because “Swine Flu” was considered to be offensive to Muslims.]

Using black people to drive a wedge between us is so last year.  Politicians, Big Media and whoever else is benefitting from dividing this country have milked that for all it’s worth.  Racism, or lack thereof, in the United States isn’t significantly different than it was a year ago.  The only thing that changed was that portraying black people as victims isn’t as effective as it used to be.

Since their preferred method of creating racial division wasn’t working anymore, they needed something better.  They needed to find another tool to use to pry us apart.  And, if you buy into the concept that Asian is the new Black, then that tool is you, and you are being used.

It’s 2021 and time to re-accessorize. So, go ahead.  Ditch your black friends, because they’re no longer in fashion.  If you want to signal that you’re really more “woke” than everyone else, you need to find some Asian friends and hang with them. 

At least until something better comes along.

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