
A Good Guy With a Gun

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One of the most important rules of personal protection, if not the most important, is to be aware of your surroundings at all times.  That means that you should “keep your head on a swivel” which means constantly looking at things around you instead of at your phone. 

To get my carry permit, I had to sit through several hours of mostly-boring, stuff-I-already-knew instruction.  One of the things mentioned to us that day was that having a weapon isn’t going to do you any good if you’re not aware using it might be necessary.  In order to fully protect myself, I need to make sure I’m aware of what’s going on around me.

So, wherever I am, I’m constantly looking at my surroundings.  Not because I want to use my gun, (that would end up being a terrible legal nightmare) but because I might have to.  And, if I’m going to carry it, I might as well be ready to use it.  I’d feel pretty silly if I got killed with my gun still in the holster.

The other thing we learned that day was that if we saw anything hinky, make sure we had a plan in case things went sideways fast.  If I can remove myself from danger, I’m required to do so.  But if I can’t…well…that’s what the gun is for.

A couple of years ago, I was at my local grocery store checking out at the register nearest to the door.  Those of us in line could see (and hear) through the windows a heated argument between the security guard and someone who was clearly agitated.  They were yelling at each other and the not-guard person was behaving aggressively.

I assessed the situation and realized that if the guy came into the store intent on causing someone harm, we were his closest targets.  And we didn’t really have a good way to escape.  We may have been closest, but we weren’t the most vulnerable. The people in line with me that day didn’t know it, but they were standing next to a good guy with a gun.  Because I was armed. 

While everyone else in line was trying to get a video of the altercation to post on social media, I was trying to think a few steps ahead.

I had no idea who this guy was or what beef he had with the store.  I didn’t know if he was armed or if he was even dangerous.  If he came into the store and walked the other way, no problem.  That would be the (unarmed) security guard’s job to handle.  But, if he headed our way, I had a plan. 

First, I was going to tell the folks I was standing in line with to stay behind me and out of the way.  Then, I was going to wait to see if he appeared to be threatening.  If I felt my life was in danger, I would pull my weapon.  And, if necessary, I’d use it.

The good news is that either the guard was able to talk him down or he got bored and left on his own.  He never entered the store that day.  But if he had, I had a plan.

For a few moments that day, I was the last line of defense for the people standing near me.  And they didn’t even know it.

There are millions of law-abiding Americans who carry concealed weapons.  You can’t tell who we are by looking at us because that’s what “concealed” means.  You can’t see us, but we’re there.

If you’re out and about today, it’s likely that at least once, you’re going to be near someone who is legally carrying a weapon.  If that happens, for a short while, you’ll be a little bit safer.  And you won’t even know it.

Because while you’re staring into your phone, we’re looking at our surroundings.  We’re looking for harm that might come our way.  And, if you’re near us when it does, it’s coming your way too. 

There are a lot of crazy people in the world and a lot of different ways to kill someone.  If you’re killed by getting shot, blown up, stabbed or smacked with a pipe, you’re the exact same amount of dead regardless of the weapon used.

If some whacko comes into my grocery store looking to kill people, I’m not going down without a fight.  I don’t plan on going down at all.  That means if you happen to be standing near me, there’s a good chance you won’t either.

So, if someday you find yourself in a situation where someone is intent on doing harm, regardless of their weapon of choice, you better hope and pray that you’re standing next to a good guy with a gun.

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