
Big Tech’s Senseless Censorship

The claim is that Big Tech is blocking accounts and censoring content to stop violence.  I don’t see how that could possibly be true.  It doesn’t make any sense. If stopping violence was their motivation, they would have blocked accounts of ANTIFA and BLM months ago. 

Everyone knows that Trump supporters are a peaceful bunch.  Trump held dozens of rallies, each gathering tens of thousands of people.  And, with the exception of January 6th, (more on that later) these gatherings weren’t “mostly peaceful”, they were entirely peaceful.

On the other hand, ANTIFA and BLM turn the knob up to eleven for practically anything. 

When a knife-wielding assailant is shot while chasing an officer, they blamed the officer.  And they started a riot.

When a friendly drunk suddenly becomes unfriendly and attacks the officers attempting to arrest him, they blamed the officers.  And Atlanta burned.

When officers, responding to a domestic dispute, shot a suspect after he resisted arrest and reached for a weapon, they blamed the officers.  And Kenosha burned.

When a drug-addled miscreant dies after taking a fatal dose of fentanyl, they blamed the police.  And Minneapolis burned.  And Chicago burned.  And Portland burned.

It reminds me of when Marlon Brando’s character was asked in Rebel Without a Cause, “What are you rebelling against?”  He replied, “What have you got?”  ANTIFA/BLM will incite violence against any “racial injustice”, regardless of whether it’s actually true.

None of these cities would have been destroyed if agitators hadn’t been allowed to use social media to spread misinformation and organize a response.  So, if stopping violence was the reason for Big Tech censorship, it would have happened nearly a year ago.

Now, let’s talk about the Capitol on January 6th, which seems to have been the event that accelerated the censorship by Big Tech.  The investigation is still underway but, looking at the videos that have been posted online, I think it’s fair to say that Trump supporters were involved.  But, it’s also obvious that there were Liberals involved as well.  There are multiple videos showing ANTIFA/BLM supporters inside the Capitol, bragging about what they’d done, after threatening violence just minutes before.  No reasonable person would believe that BLM activists were within a few feet of Ashli Babbitt when she was shot, but yet somehow weren’t involved.

It is true, people died on January 6th.  But how is the loss of those lives any worse than the nearly 30 people killed as the direct result of riots caused by ANTIFA and BLM throughout 2020?  They aren’t.  Well, they’re not supposed to be.

If the goal was to stop violence and save lives, then Liberal activists should have been censored nearly a year ago.  But that didn’t happen.  Since they were obviously involved in the ruckus at the Capitol, Liberal activists should have also lost their social media accounts.  But that didn’t happen either.

Big Tech censorship isn’t about stopping violence or protecting lives.  So, what is it about?

It’s about silencing Conservatives voices.  It’s about making sure any disagreement with the Liberal agenda isn’t allowed to be heard.

Brandon Straka’s Walkaway Campaign had over a half million testimonies of people who fled from the Democratic party.  Those testimonials have all been deleted from Facebook.  A half million stories of how people started thinking for themselves instead of blindly following the Democrats.  Gone.

It makes no sense to delete the Walkaway Campaign.  There simply is no reason to do so. It never even came close to suggesting violence.  Its sole purpose for existing was to document the reasons why people left the Democratic party.  And now no one can hear those reasons.  Big Tech is afraid of the Walkaway Campaign because it threatens their tightly-controlled narrative.

After major voices were banned from social media by Big Tech, millions of Conservatives simply moved from Facebook and Twitter to other platforms where free speech is still allowed.  The Conversative voices haven’t been silenced, they’ve just migrated to places where Liberals don’t hang out.  So Liberals won’t hear them.

It makes no sense to believe that Big Tech is censoring Conservative voices for the reasons they claim. Big Tech isn’t censoring Conservatives to stop them from talking to other Conservatives.  Big Tech is censoring Conservatives to stop them from talking to anyone else.

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