
Truth, Justice or the American Way

According to his bio, Superman fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American way.  Until recently, I didn’t think you had to chose one over the others.  But I do now. 

When I looked at what happened with the 2020 election, I came to see that truth and justice have very little to do with the American way.

Those of us paying attention have by now all seen the massive amount of evidence of election fraud.  Even those not paying attention agree that at least some fraud took place. 

I think we can even agree on who cheated.  I can’t remember hearing a single accusation by anyone that President Trump cheated to influence the results of the election.  Every scrap of the huge pile of evidence shows each instance of fraud was to the advantage of Joe Biden.  Therefore, if there was cheating involved, and we all agree there was, the cheater was Joe Biden.

In fact, the sole difference in opinion seems to be whether or not there was enough cheating to have a material impact on the election results.

So, the disagreement isn’t that someone cheated.  And, the disagreement isn’t whether or not the cheater was Joe Biden.  The disagreement is how much Joe Biden cheated. 

We seem to all believe that Joe Biden is a liar, we just don’t all agree on how big of a liar he is.  And, those that voted for him believe that, regardless of how much he lied, he should still be President.

So much for truth.

About half of the country, those that voted for President Trump, would love for a chance to see the evidence compiled by his team.  I’ve even heard Biden supporters claim that Rudi and his team should present their evidence in a court of law.  I agree.  And they’ve been trying to do just that.  But, every time they try to go to court, someone blocks the way. 

Everyone claims to want due process, but Biden supporters are working very hard to make sure it doesn’t happen.  Every attempt to bring their case to court is met with legal wrangling by the Democrats to keep the evidence from being presented before a judge.  Even the Supreme Court has shied away from taking a stand against the theft of an election.

So much for justice.

There may have been a time when truth, justice and the American way were synonymous.  There used to be a time when all Americans would stand together to fight against corruption and ensure that truth and justice triumphed over evil.  But that time is no more.  The American way is no longer about doing what’s right in the face of insurmountable odds.  It has become about doing whatever is necessary to make sure that truth and justice don’t prevail. 

So, you can have your pick.  Truth and justice or the American way.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.