
Spokesman for the People #2

A while back I talked about how no one person is capable for speaking the entire black community.  Not Jesse Jackson, not Al Sharpton nobody.  That’s because there is no such thing as a “black community”.  The population of black people in the U.S. is simply too diverse for any one person to speak for them all.  But that doesn’t stop the mainstream media from publishing whatever LeBron says as something all black people believe.

The same goes for women, Asians, Conservatives and Liberals.  No one person can speak for everyone in any demographic group.  But the media still tries.

Since the media won’t abandon this tactic, we needed someone to step up and speak for all Americans everywhere.  It can’t be the President because about half the country has, for four years, exclaimed “not my President”.  If the legislatures does what’s right and gives Trump another term, I suspect that sentiment will continue for four more years.  If Biden wins then the other roughly half of the country isn’t really going to accept him as their President.

So, who is the best choice?

Back in September, I proclaimed myself the Spokesman for the People.  As the self-proclaimed Spokesman for the People, I have the responsibility of speaking for all Americans.  If the media wants to know what the American Community thinks, they just need to come to me, and I’ll fill them in. 

Since we’re reaching the end of the year, I suspect that the media will soon be hitting me up for interview requests to get the pulse of America.  I won’t be able to speak with everyone so here’s a short summary of the highlights pertaining to the 2020 election.

  • We believe there was massive election fraud in the 2020 election.
  • We believe there was a coordinated effort by the Biden campaign to manipulate election results in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (and probably more).
  • We believe Joe Biden and the Democrats used an amped-up fear of COVID-19, mail-in ballots and no voter ID to steal the election.
  • We believe, because so much effort was spent making sure the ballot counting couldn’t be lawfully monitored by partisan observers, there was something going on that the Democrats didn’t want anyone to see.
  • We believe corrupt officials have worked to block attempts to bring evidence before a court of law because they don’t want people to see the evidence.
  • We believe cheaters should not be allowed to win.
  • We believe fraud vitiates everything, and that Joe Biden should be disqualified as a candidate.
  • We believe Donald Trump is the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential election and should remain President for the next four years.

I think that’s a pretty good summary.  If you’re a member of the press, you can assume the above list contains things that all Americans believe.  There’s no need to check with anyone else because I have spoken, and I speak for everyone.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.