

The most common type of testing for COVID-19 is the PCR test.  That’s where they take a swab from way deep in your nose, multiply whatever they find by one TRILLION and then look to see if they can detect the virus.

I’m not an immunologist but I am someone with an abundance of common sense.  I don’t know why it took me so long to figure this out but now that I have it’s really obvious.

First, let’s talk about the difference between being exposed to something and being infected with something.

If you’ve been exposed, it means you’ve been somewhere where there were virus particles, and you’ve inhaled at least a few of those particles.  If you’re infected, that means that the virus is inside your body and will (if it hasn’t already) trigger an immune response.  Exposed happens in the past.  Infected happens in the present.

Being exposed to something isn’t a big deal.  We’re exposed to numerous things every day and our bodies take care of them without us even noticing.  It’s how things are supposed to work. 

Your immune system works because you’re a little bit sick all the time. When you’re exposed to something, you sometimes become infected and most of those times your body deals with things with no conscious help from you.

The body’s first line of defense isn’t to make a bunch of white blood cells.  Your body’s first line of defense is snot.  That’s right, the mucus membranes in your nose are made to catch bad things that you breathe in and stop them before they can hurt you.  White blood cells don’t come into play until the virus gets past your snot.

By taking a sample of your mucus, the PCR test isn’t capable of telling you if you’re infected or not.  The PCR test is only capable of determining if you’ve been exposed.  And, as I mentioned, there’s a huge difference between the two. 

Let’s say, for example, you get tested for the coronavirus.  Now, let’s say that you tested positive.  What that means is that the test was able to determine that you had some virus particles in your snot but not that you’re actually sick.  You could literally be exposed to the virus in the breath you take immediately before they swab your nose and test positive for the virus, even though you’re not infected.

But, they tell you you’ve tested positive and you quarantine for 14 days.  Miraculously you’re asymptomatic (you don’t have any symptoms).  The reason you didn’t have any symptoms is because you weren’t sick in the first place.  Because being exposed to the virus isn’t the same thing as being infected with the virus.

The list of COVID-19 symptoms is huge and are also symptoms of many other illnesses.  If you’ve been told you tested positive for COVID-19, are doing a self-quarantine and exhibit symptoms, there’s a good chance you might be sick with something other than COVID-19.  Because it’s equally as likely that you’re simply experiencing symptoms due to seasonal allergies as it is that you’ve got COVID-19.

Finally, we all know about the power of suggestion.  That’s how placebos work.  Now, combine that with the deathly fear that many people have of catching COVID-19.  If someone who has an irrational fear of the disease is told they have it, there’s a good chance that they’ll simply imagine having some of the myriad of COVID-19 symptoms.  Hypochondriacs do it all the time. If you’re told that you’re sick, it’s highly possible that you will believe that you’re sick, even if you’re not.

When using the PCR test, “testing positive” simply means you’ve been exposed.  It doesn’t mean you’re infected.  But, the government and the mainstream media are implying that being exposed is synonymous with being infected when that just isn’t true.

What this all means is that the PCR test is actually worse than useless.  The results are misinterpreted, miscommunicated and misleading.  Yet, these results are being used to justify things like vote-by-mail, closing schools, closing businesses, closing churches, and every other COVID-19-related mandate thrust upon us by the government.

Related Articles:
COVID Testing is Potentially Useless“.

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