
The Hook

Remember back when cartoons were funny?  That’s right, Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam and even the Road Runner.  Those were cartoons.  Not the inclusive, gender neutral, defund the police cartoons of today.  One of the recurring gags in many of the Loony Toons cartoons was the use of the Shepard’s crook to hook someone around their neck and yank them off stage when their act began to bomb.

Except it wasn’t just in cartoons.  It was a real thing.  But it wasn’t a Shepard’s crook.  Vaudeville acts that were particularly bad risked having their act abruptly stopped by someone using a curtain hook to yank them offstage by the neck.  It was called giving someone the hook.  For real.

Can we do that now?  Please?  Would someone please give Joe Biden the hook and yank him off the stage?  Pretty please? 

I was shopping for groceries this weekend.  The first thing I noticed is that everything costs a whole lot more than it did a year ago.  No matter what you’re buying, from apples to zucchini, you’ll be paying about 50% more than you did before Biden took office.  That’s if you can find it.

The second thing I noticed is that many of the store shelves are empty.  I commented to my wife that this must be how people in third-world countries feel.  Sometimes they can get what they need and sometimes they can’t.  Never in my wildest dreams/nightmares did I imagine that here in the U.S., I’d be unable to reliably find basic products like bread and eggs.

Whose fault is that?  If you ask Joe Biden, he’d probably say some gibberish like “badehkefkehr”.  Or he’ll do like he always does and blame it on someone else.  Joe doesn’t seem to understand just how much of a struggle it is for most Americans.  And, on those rare occasions when does seem to realize there’s a problem, it’s not his fault.  It’s always someone else’s fault.  Joe has an excuse for everything. 

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear Joe Biden, or any politician for that matter, say something like, “I’ve made mistakes and things are bad.  But I’ve got a plan and here’s how I’m going to make things right again.”?  At least then we’d know that he was at cognizant of what’s going on around him.

Well don’t hold your breath.  Joe doesn’t have a plan.  Well, that’s not entirely true, his “Build Back Better” “plan” is to spend more money on shit that won’t fix anything, which will put America greater in debt, which will cause more inflation which will cause more American’s to be even greater in debt.

I mean, I enjoy a good Bidenism as much as the next guy, but I think Joe has gone too far.  Just this past weekend, Biden, speaking in Warsaw and referring to Vladimir Putin, said, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” That’s insane.  Even by Joe’s standards.  Even worse is when Biden’s team had to scramble to tell everyone that what Joe actually said isn’t what Joe actually meant.

And even worse was when Joe explained himself that his comments weren’t the policy of the United States.  According to Joe, his comments were “personal outrage”.  And that’s supposed to be better?  We’re not talking about the strange old guy in the neighborhood yelling at kids to get off his lawn.  Joe doesn’t get to accidently express his personal outrage.  He’s the freaking President of the United States!

I remember back when Trump was President.  Ah, good times.  Good times.  I was impressed because he was the first President that I could remember that rarely used cue cards or teleprompters.  He just said what he thought.  Which was usually spot on.  Then the Liberal media would take whatever he said out of context and report as gospel things he didn’t actually say.

Trump said a lot of unscripted things.  But at least nothing he said had even a remote chance of starting a nuclear war.

The flip side of that is Joe Biden.  He can’t make sense unless he’s reading verbatim from a teleprompter.  Strike that.  Reverse it.  Even with a teleprompter and cue cards Joe rarely makes sense.  And each time he spouts gibberish, the Liberal media tries to convince us that he didn’t actually say what he actually said.

How about the time when he gave billions of dollars of high-tech weaponry to the Taliban.  That’s priceless!  Well, not exactly.  The equipment has a price.  And that price is somewhere north of $30 billion dollars.  Oops!

That’s the Joe Biden we’ve all come to know and love.  It’s like a sitcom.  The affable goof who just happens to become President of the United States.  Who doesn’t like a good Corn Pop reference?  Or remember that time when Joe said, “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids”?  Hilarious!  And that one time when he told us that “nexnelstrent” is “not hypothetical”. 

And then there was the time he attacked Putin. 

It would be sort of funny if he was trying to speak Russian and got the translation wrong.  Like maybe he was trying to say, “please pass the borscht” and it came out “you must be removed from power.”  If that happened, I’m sure he and Putin would have a good laugh over a Vodka.  No harm done.

But he wasn’t speaking Russian.  He was speaking English.  Or at least his version of it.  And it happened to be one of those rare times when we can actually understand what he said.  There is no room for misinterpretation.  Joe Biden called for the ouster of Vladimir Putin.

If those aren’t fighting words, then I don’t know what would be.  We all better hope that Vladimir Putin doesn’t see it that way.

Remember what your mom told you.  It’s all fun and games until someone accidentally starts World War III.

There’s no way to put a positive spin on this.  If Joe can no longer be trusted to say what he means, then he has no business being President.  And if he is saying what he truly means, then it’s even more obvious that he’s lost his mind, and has no business being President.

It’s time to give Joe Biden the hook.  He has done way more damage than the Democrats and Liberal media pretended that Trump did.  What I want to know is where are the impeachment hearings?  Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi talking about invoking the 25th amendment?

I can’t think of any way Joe Biden could be less fit to perform the duties of his position.

What else is there to say?  There’s only one thing you can say when the person responsible for causing all the problems we’re facing is undoubtedly going to do more damage.   In fact, I’ll use Joe’s own words. 

For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power. 

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An Even More Drastic Measure
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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.