
The Gullibility Virus

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Years ago, I went to lunch with an attorney who worked at the same company I did.  We were going to be driving by a Staples store on our way back to the office and had been asked to stop in and pick up a few supplies. 

As we were standing in line, I told her I thought it was sort of ironic that the only product that Staples is legally prohibited from selling is staples.  I explained that Staples had lost a class action suit a couple years before and as part of the settlement they were required to stop selling them.

And she believed every word of it.

The people standing in line with us, some of which were holding actual boxes of staples, heard the whole exchange and did what they could to stifle their giggles.  Eventually I couldn’t keep myself from laughing and she caught on. 

This person was quite intelligent, highly educated and an excellent attorney.  She was also extremely gullible.  As a corporate attorney, she was one of the best.  But take her outside of her area of expertise and she’d believe almost anything.

The strange thing is that she was aware of her gullibility and still believed nearly everything she was told.  Obviously, the rest of us knew too, and we kept trying to come up with increasingly unbelievable things for her to buy into.  Which she always did.

I recently came across something called The Gullibility Virus.  It comes from a mostly tongue-in-cheek paper about how Internet users can become infected with this new virus, which causes people who are normally quite reasonable to inexplicably believe unbelievable things.

The symptoms of The Gullibility Virus include the following:

  • the willingness to believe improbable stories without thinking
  • the urge to forward multiple copies of such stories to others
  • a lack of desire to take three minutes to check to see if a story is true

Clearly these symptoms are real.  We’ve all witnessed them and quite likely experienced them ourselves a time or two.  But they’re not caused by any virus.  What the symptoms are caused by is laziness and apathy.

I started thinking about The Gullibility Virus and realized that this is no longer a joke.  COVID-19, and the panic being spread by Big Media in collusion with governments across the globe have turned this into a very real thing.

COVID-19 has been, and is still, The Gullibility Virus.  Not because being infected with it causes someone to believe unbelievable things, but because, for some reason, otherwise rational people completely fall for the all the hype and fear around COVID-19.

Well, technically, we shouldn’t call it The Gullibility Virus.  Because that name implies that their gullibility is caused by a virus.  Which it isn’t.  I think a more technically correct term would be to call people who believe all the COVID-related horse shit to be “virus gullible”. 

You can think of “virus gullible” as the opposite of “vackseen hesitant”. 

As everyone knows, the term vackseen hesitant (I personally prefer the term “vackseen dubious”) refers to a person who is cautious about what is injected into their body.  You know, someone who questions the necessity to inject everyone on the planet with an experimental drug, and strives to understand the data that is being used to justify the erosion of our freedoms.

But virus gullible people are quite different.  If you’re virus gullible, you unquestionably believe everything you’re told about the virus and the experimental “wonder cures” that you’ve been assured will keep you safe.  And you happily allow the government to inject you with an experimental drug, that no one fully understands, time and time again.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying that everyone who gets vacksinated is an idiot.  Just some of them.  I know people who carefully weighed the risks and potential rewards, and decided that being vacksinated was the best option for them.  I say more power to them. 

But there are a lot of vacksinated people, most of them actually, who firmly believe that the vackseens are safe and effective without any more reason to believe it than because the “experts” told them to.  And these uninformed people are quick to tell every unvacksinated person they know that vacksinations are a very good thing.  But they have absolutely no data or information to back up their opinion.  To make things worse, they can’t be bothered to do even the tiniest bit of research on the topic to educate themselves.

These same people are mostly reasonable about other things.  But for some reason, when it comes to COVID-19, they’ve completely lost their ability to think for themselves.  Which leaves them completely vulnerable to the misinformation spewed by Big Pharma, Anthony Faucci and their own governments.  And that vulnerability manifests itself by making them completely gullible.  And that gullibility makes them susceptible to further manipulation.

So, they willingly get a second, third, and will get who knows how many more booster shots merely because the people selling the booster shots say the shots are safe and effective.  And necessary.

At the time I’m writing this, there has been exactly one report of someone who died with the Omicron variant.  In the entire world.  One person.  And they didn’t necessarily die “from” Omicron.  They died “with” Omicron.  And while a good number of us can understand the distinction between “from” and “with”, the virus gullible people hear the words “new variant”, go completely bonkers, and race to see who can be the first to roll up their sleeves and submit.  Again.

But here’s the thing.  If you’re virus gullible, the people who are telling you the vackseens are safe, effective, and necessary have figured out that you’ll believe just about anything they say.  And they’re going to keep telling you increasingly unbelievable things, because they know you’re probably going to continue to be stupid enough to believe them.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.