
We the People’s Court

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When you elect someone, you should be looking for someone who can think for themselves.  Because voting for someone who’s going to follow the party line is how you end up with Joe Biden, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the imbeciles supposedly leading our country.

So, you voted for idiots and then are somehow surprised that they do idiotic things.  Or maybe you’re not.  Because if you’re the type of person who would vote for someone just because they’re not someone else, then you’re probably also the type of person who’s too stupid to realize just how stupid the things are that they’re doing.

Unfortunately, enough of you were that stupid and that’s what got us where we are.  And where we are is with a bunch of morons making insane decisions about things they know absolutely nothing about.  But like I said, if you voted for any of them, then you’re probably too stupid to see anything wrong with what they’re doing. 

The rest of us do though.  And it sucks.

We do see the whacky things that the officials you elected are doing.  And we need some way to stop them.

For example, let’s say you ‘re a teacher in New York and are smart enough to realize that forcing all the teachers in New York to get vacksinated might violate your 14th Amendment rights.  What do you do then?

Well, you sue them of course.  Then you lose and you appeal.  After doing that a few times, eventually your case works its way through the court system and ends up on the desk of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who’s in charge of the Second Circuit court, which includes New York.

Next, Justice Sotomayor reads a brief prepared by one of her minions and decides that you have no case.  End of story.  You don’t get a chance to argue your point and she doesn’t even have to tell you why she denied your appeal for justice.

How is this possible?  Well, each of the Supreme Court justices are assigned to one or more Circuit Courts.  Any case presented to the nine justices has to first pass the review of the sole justice in charge of the Circuit Court where your case originated.  In this instance, if Justice Sotomayor decides that your case has no merit, then it’s the end of the line.  There is no further appeal.  You are S-O-L.

That sucks and blows.

That scenario might seem far fetched but it actually happened this week.  That exact scenario.

Trying to make a case that forced vacksinations violate our Constitutionally protected rights might seem like a roundabout way to stop someone from doing something stupid.  But it’s really the only option available if you want to make it to the Supreme Court. 

The United States Supreme Court has one job.  That is to interpret the United States Constitution and decide if its rules are being followed.  That’s it.  They don’t decide anything other than if what someone is doing is Constitutional or not.

So, when a case does make it to the Supreme Court, what the justices consider is not if what someone is doing is a good idea, they consider if what the person is doing lines up with their interpretation of the Constitution. 

Let me say that again, the highest court in the land only determines if someone has the power to do something.  They don’t concern themselves at all with whether or not what that person does with that power is something that should be done.

But just because someone can do something doesn’t mean that they should do it.

Protecting the Constitution is sort of important, but the Supreme Court doesn’t have any practical value for most people.

I think there should be some place we can go when it’s not just the right of someone to make a particular decision that’s in dispute, but the decision itself.  We need a place to appeal stupidity.

Ideally, the teachers’ case would have been about statistics and science.  They would have been able to present data that shows that it’s not really necessary to vacksinate everyone on the planet or, at the very least, not all the teachers in New York.  Then, whoever is representing the idiot mandating the vackseens would trot out their own “experts” to explain how fear and ignorance should be allowed to rule the day.

Then, some unbiased person or panel would consider all the facts and make an informed decision.  Not an emotional or meme-driven decision or one designed to get them votes.  They’d make a decision based on facts, logic and reason.  And they wouldn’t consider if someone had the authority to decide if all the teachers should be forced to be vacksinated.  Their focus would be solely on determining if forcing teachers to be jabbed is something we should do at all.

Now, none of this would even be necessary if people were smart enough to vote for someone because of the candidate’s experience, knowledge and wisdom.  But that hardly ever happens.  All too often, someone is elected solely because they’re either a Democrat or a Republican.  As if being either is a good thing.

The problem will be finding someone who could consider both sides of an argument and then pick the best option.  We can’t make it an appointed position because then it becomes politicized.  We can’t make it an elected position because, well, we already know that we can’t trust most people to vote their way out of wet paper bag.

I have a solution.

I’m going to volunteer myself to be the Chief Decider of We the People’s Court.  I’ll consider cases where elected officials are about to do something boneheaded and then decide we shouldn’t do that boneheaded thing.  Of course, I’d do it in a totally unbiased way.

The problem is that a lot of stupid people have elected so many other stupid people that there are too many boneheaded decisions being made for any one person to stay in front of.  So, I’ll need some Associate Deciders.  I’ll recruit a group of rational people who will decide what action should be taken whenever politicians try to do something that makes no sense at all.

Now that I say it out loud, it does sound a bit complicated.  There must be an easier way.

<snap> I’ve got it!  How about if people just stop wasting their precious vote and start electing smarter people?

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.