
Sustaining Ignorance

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Now that the booster shots are on the table, I seem to be having the same conversation I had before with the same people.  Back when they were first deciding whether or not to get vacksinated, I asked them if they were concerned about the dangers associated with the drugs.  The response was usually something like, “what dangers?”

I then told them what I knew, gave them links to articles and told them about the VAERS database so they could look and learn for themselves. 

Lately, when the topic of booster shots comes up, I ask them again if they’re concerned about the potential side effects and dangers.  The response is usually something like “what side effects?”

Then I explain to them again that, in the US alone, there are thousands of reported deaths and hundreds of thousands of reported side effects from the drugs.  I tell them about young kids dying and others being permanently disabled.  I let them know that 1,293 spontaneous abortions caused by the vackseens have been reported just in the United States.

I let them know one more time that more people have reported side effects from one of the COVID-19 vackseens than in the past 23 years for all other vaccines. Combined. 

They look at me like I’m just making shit up.

I don’t know about you, but if I learn about something that could potentially be life-threatening to me or my family, I don’t tend to forget it. 

If it were me in their shoes, I’d be learning everything possible I could about the risks and benefits that come with the vackseens.  Before I allowed someone to inject me a second or third time with a potentially dangerous drug, I’d for damn sure want to know how potentially dangerous it is.  I would do my own research and I would find the information.

But maybe that’s just me.  I guess if you’re the type of person who willingly accepted an injection or two of an experimental drug, you’d be less likely than I am to question…well…anything.

So now, in addition to telling them how dangerous the drugs are…again… I also have to explain that they also don’t really work as advertised.   I try to tell them how the booster shot is exactly the same as the shot they previously received, and that taking more of something that no longer works very well doesn’t seem like it’s going to be particularly helpful.

That nearly always gets me a blank stare.

Becoming ignorant is easy.  All it requires is that you get all your information from either the government or from Big Media.  It takes no effort at all to become ignorant.  But sustaining ignorance is hard work.

I couldn’t understand why so many people seem to be oblivious to information that they received just a few months ago.  How can people who are so unaware of what’s going on be so sure of their convictions?

Then I figured it out.

They have no choice.  I mean they really have no choice. 

They can’t question the vackseens. 

It sure must suck to be them.

They were promised the vackseens would protect them from COVID-19.  Joe Biden himself said that if you took their injection, you wouldn’t get COVID-19.  And they believed him.  But vacksinated people are still getting sick.  And vacksinated people are still dying at an alarmingly increasing rate.

They were promised that the vackseens would allow them to live their lives normally.  And they believed it.  But vacksinated people are still being required to wear masks and get tested. 

Not a single person on earth can tell them the repercussions of not taking a booster shot, or of taking one.  The second shot killed and maimed more people than the first.  What’s going to happen with the third?  Or fourth?  Or fifth?  No one can answer that question.

Nobody knows the long-term impact of continued injections.  But those already vacksinated might not have a choice but to continue taking them.  Because there is no longer any possible way that their bodies can develop a natural immunity to the disease.  They have lost that ability forever.  Or maybe not.  No one knows.

The people working hard to remain ignorant about the vackseens must do so.  Because they can’t learn what the government and Big Media has been hiding from them.  If they do, they’ll have to accept the fact that they’ve been fooled into believing things that simply aren’t true and have put their faith in vackseens that aren’t really vaccines.

It’s not like they can somehow de-vacksinate themselves.  That ship has already sailed and sunk.  They have no option but to move forward with the decision they’ve already made.  They’ve already placed their bet.  Now they have no choice but to double down.  And continue to work hard to sustain their ignorance.

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