
Confirmation Blindness

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President Trump said in June of last year that the more we test for COVID-19, the more cases we’re going to find.  And he was right.  As soon as testing went through the roof, the number of cases detected rose proportionally.

Well, that’s not really accurate because the PCR test can’t actually diagnose an infection.  It can only indicate an exposure.  But the story we were told was that if you were merely exposed to the virus, then you were definitely infected.  And each day, more “cases” that weren’t really “cases” were counted.

And the numbers grew.

The more effort you put into looking for things, the more of those things you’re going to find.  So, of course the testing frenzy resulted in finding a large number of COVID “cases”. Because that’s what they were looking for.

Every day we were force-fed information about the number of tests performed, the number of “cases” detected and how very scared we should all be because everyone is going to die.

OK.  Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but it’s not too far off.  The point is, we had more information than we cared to know about the testing numbers.  “COVID dashboards” were everywhere you looked.   You couldn’t help but know about the number of tests performed each day, and the number of new “cases” detected.

Then there’s the “COVID-19” deaths.  Everyone reading this will already know that the number of deaths attributed to COVID is greatly exaggerated.  This is another example of finding what you’re looking for.  They found COVID deaths because they wanted to find COVID deaths.  So that’s what they looked for. 

People were counted as having died “from” COVID-19 when they died “with” COVID-19.  According to the CDC, the real number is probably only about 6% of what we’re being told. 

Regardless of its accuracy, the data was everywhere.  You couldn’t turn on the news without hearing mention of the death count.  And with the data, we were once again told that everyone is going to die, and we all should be very afraid. 

The more they looked for “cases”, the more “cases” they found.  The more COVID-related deaths they looked for, the more they found.  But not always.

A couple of weeks ago, ABC affiliate WXYZ in Detroit asked their viewers to contact them if they knew someone who was unvacksinated and died because of COVID-19.  They were working on a story about COVID-related deaths and wanted to find people to interview.

In two days, the station had received over 36,000 angry and sad replies from people sharing their stories of how their loved ones had died or gotten seriously ill.  Not because of COVID, because of the vackseens.  And that’s just in Detroit.

Then there’s the VAERS database.  If you’re a frequent reader of what I write, you know that I believe the VAERS database is a joke and should be used for entertainment purposes only.  At the time I wrote this, there nearly 600,000 reports of adverse effects after being injected with one of the COVID vackseens.  I’ve looked through the data myself and I’m going to estimate that 90% of the reports in the VAERS database are crap.

I think you’ll agree with me that “Zika virus infection”, “wrong schedule”, “HIV test” and “intensive care” probably aren’t things that anyone could blame on the vackseens.

So, I’m going to say that 90% of the reports are junk.  Which leaves us with 60,000 reported and legitimate incidents of adverse reactions.  The current working theory is that only 10% of the bad reactions are being reported.  So, that brings us back up to the 600,000 range.  But that’s 600,000 most-likely-legitimate reports of injury.  Just in the United States.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty big number to me.  Probably because it is.

Remember what I said earlier?  The harder you look for something, the more likely you are to find it.

There are many, many reports of serious side effects caused by their drugs.  But how many of those reports are “confirmed”?  Well, according to the people selling the drugs, the number of confirmed cases is extremely small.

Which doesn’t make any sense.

I read an article this morning about vackseen-caused blood clots.  The article said there have been only 35 confirmed cases in connection to the Johnson & Johnson vackseen.

Here’s what I want to know:  How many cases did they investigate?  It’s a pretty important thing to know.  So, what if they only confirmed 35 cases?  The number of confirmations only becomes interesting if we know how many total cases were investigated.  Because if they only looked at 35 cases, then the most they’ll confirm is 35 cases.  And not one more.

For that matter, how many cases of any of the side effects have they investigated?  What is the ratio of investigated cases of a particular adverse reaction vs. confirmed cases?  Why haven’t I heard about anyone who has had their adverse reactions investigated?

Where are the dashboards?  Why aren’t we told a single thing about these so-called investigations into the hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions?

I find it interesting that the people responsible for making the vackseens are the same people responsible for declaring then safe.  In my view, that’s an obvious conflict of interest.  Why aren’t they being held accountable?

The logic used with testing is that if you’re exposed to the virus, then you are automatically assumed to have been infected with the virus.  The logic used while counting COVID deaths is that if you died “with” COVID, then you died “from” COVID.

Applying that same logic, if you were healthy person, then you were injected with a vackseen, and then developed blood clots, or a heart problem or paralysis or dropped dead, well, I’d call that confirmation that the vackseen caused it. 

So, by that logic, and remember it’s their logic, not mine, there are hundreds of thousands of cases just in the U.S. where a COVID vackseen caused serious harm to the recipient.  The cases are there.  It’s just that those cases haven’t yet been confirmed.

But we’re supposed to believe that the drugs are safe, just because they tell us that they are.  The vackseens will only appear to be safe as long as they don’t find a bunch of confirmed cases of the vackseens being unsafe.  Which they won’t find.  Because they’re not looking.  And if they’re not looking for something, they sure as hell aren’t going to find it.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.