
The Scarecrow President

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There are a lot of Americans on both sides of the aisle who are appalled with Joe Biden and his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.  And rightfully so.  It’s hard to imagine it going more poorly than it has. 

But this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.  Because a lot of us saw this train wreck coming for more than a year.  And we tried to tell you.

Remember back before the election when Joe kept campaigning from his basement?  We tried to tell you that he wasn’t fit for office.  But you wouldn’t listen.  We tried to show you videos of Biden’s cognitive decline.  But you wouldn’t look.

Joe campaigned with no platform.  He actually said that he’d tell us where he stands on the issues after he was elected.  But you voted for him anyway.  Not because of who he is, but because of who he wasn’t. 

We told you it was a bad idea.  But you wouldn’t listen.

We tried to tell you about the issues with the election.  But you wouldn’t hear any of it.  We tried to show you actual videos of election fraud.  But you wouldn’t look.

So now we’ve got a “president” who probably can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, and a country being run by an administration that he hand-picked.

Then jobs were killed, our borders were thrown open, women’s rights were trampled on, and Hunter Biden confessed to a crack whore.  And you were fine with all of that.

Then the fiasco in Afghanistan happened.  And now, all of a sudden, you seem to be surprised that everything they touch turns to shit.

How could it not?  The scarecrow president that you elected, the one without a brain, also has no spine.

Because of Joe Biden and his not-ready-for-primetime players, the foreign policy of the United States of America has been reduced to Joe begging for what we need.

“Saudi Arabia, please produce more oil.”

“Russia, please don’t hack our critical infrastructure.”

“Iran, please don’t make nuclear weapons.”

“Taliban, please don’t attack the Kabul airport.”

We tried to tell you what was going on.  And you ignored us.

But now we’ve reached a point where Biden has messed up things so badly it’s impossible for anyone to ignore.  And now you finally see what we’ve been telling you all along.  Joe Biden isn’t fit to be president.  He never was.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re finally waking up.  It’s just too little, too late.

Because as hard as it is to imagine, the situation in Afghanistan is about to get even worse.  Much worse.

Instead of pushing back, “spineless Joe” has accepted the Taliban-imposed deadline of August 31st to complete the withdrawal.  But that’s not going to give our NATO allies enough time to evacuate their own people.  Nor will it give us enough time to evacuate all the remaining Americans and the thousands of Afghan civilians who worked side-by-side with our troops for the past 20 years.

And the Taliban is blocking access to the Kabul airport.  It doesn’t take much of a brain to see where this is heading.  Even Joe should be able to figure this one out.

Here’s what’s going to happen.  People are going to die.  It won’t be long before we start seeing the Taliban livestreaming beheadings on social media.  Some of the people executed will be Afghans friendly to the U.S.  Some of them will be our NATO allies.  And some of them will be Americans.  But all of them will end up dead.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.  The Afghanistan train wreck could be seen coming from miles away.  And now it’s here.

But it didn’t have to happen.  Joe Biden could have avoided all of this…if he only had a brain.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.