
A Really Big Ask

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Avella Bauer contracted ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis), a rare disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own cells and tissues.  This typically causes swelling in the brain and spinal cord.  ADEM develops in about 1 out of every 200,000 people, mostly kids.

Avella can no longer see, speak, move her arms or legs, or even feed herself.  She likely never will.

The cause of ADEM is unclear but it’s believed to be triggered by exposure to a virus.  According to Avella’s doctors, the only virus she tested positive for was SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.  There is no definitive scientific agreement on the cause of ADEM, but, in Avella’s case, it’s being blamed on SARS-CoV-2.

It may have been caused by SARS-CoV-2, or it might not have been.  Maybe the very next cold Avella caught would have triggered ADEM.  There’s no way of knowing.

Avella’s mother is pleading with parents to get vacksinated.  Presumably that request applies to anyone who is allowed to be vacksinated, which includes anyone over the age of 11.  Her hope is that the more people that get vacksinated, the less likely it is that another child will have to suffer Avella’s fate.

Which brings us to Maddie De Garay. 

12-year-old Maddie volunteered to participate in the Pfizer coronavirus vackseen trial.  After receiving the second injection of the drug, she suffered extreme adverse reactions which left her in a wheelchair and requiring a feeding tube.

Stephanie De Garay, Maddie’s mom, says that multiple physicians have told her that the vackseen couldn’t possibly be the cause of Maddie’s illness and she’s merely suffering from anxiety.

To summarize, when one kid gets sick, authorities quickly blame it on the coronavirus, even with no proof.  But when a different kid gets sick while participating in a coronavirus drug trial, they say she’s simply imagining it.

But Maddie isn’t alone.  Young people who are vacksinated run the risk of developing heart problems.  In fact, myocarditis and pericarditis are both listed on the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for both Moderna and Pfizer.  The J&J EUA doesn’t list either heart problem but comes with its own list of adverse effects.

And, since the drug companies push back hard on anything that might get in the way of profits, if something is even mentioned on the EUA it must be really bad.

Avella’s mother is asking people to get their kids vacksinated because it might prevent another kid from developing ADEM.

That’s a pretty big ask.

Imagine yourself in a situation where you need to choose between putting your own child at risk or putting someone else’s child at risk.  I wouldn’t even have to think about it.  I’d vote for my kid every single time.

We’ve learned that the younger you are, the less likely it is that you’ll be hurt by COVID-19.  Kids may still catch it, but they’re not likely to get sick from it.  Yes, they could be contagious and spread it to others, but that’s going to happen regardless of whether they’re vacksinated or not.  And yes, some kids do get sick from COVID-19.  But it is rare for otherwise-healthy kids to be afflicted.

Imagine yourself in a situation where you’re asked to put your own child at risk by injecting them with something that offers no real benefit to your child or to anyone else.  That’s a pretty big ask.

Now, imagine yourself in a situation where you don’t have that choice.

The Culver City Unified School District in California is the first in the country to mandate vacksinations for students 12 and above.  If you want your kid to go to school in Culver City, they need to be vacksinated.

Culver City may be the first in the nation to mandate vacksinations, but they certainly won’t be the last.  They’re paving the way for others to follow.

This isn’t like removing peanut butter from the cafeteria because one of the students has a peanut allergy.  Not eating peanuts isn’t potentially hazardous to anyone’s health.

I suspect that if asked, most informed parents would choose not to vacksinate their kids because the potential risk, however small, by far outweighs any potential benefit.

The Culver City Unified School District suspects that too.  So, they found a way around it.

They just decided not to ask.

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