
Object Stupidity

I belong to a 3D printing group on one of the social media platforms.  OK, it’s on Facebook.  The group is essentially a “brag” page where people post pictures of 3D objects they’ve printed.  Everyone else in the group “likes” their post and tells them what an awesome job they did.  It’s a great place to be if you’re looking for a judgement-free pat on the back.

Well, at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.  This morning I noticed that someone had posted a picture of a “Blue Lives Matter” flag they had finished printing late last night. Then I started scrolling through the comments.

This “safe space” where people could expect some “likes” for sharing even the poorest-quality prints turned into a political free-for-all from the get-go.

This was the first comment:

“I honestly don’t understand the whole ‘back the blue’ or ‘blue lives matter’ bs I keep seeing. There are no such thing as ‘blue lives’. That’s their literal job 40 hours a week. They’re just regular people.  If they’re tired of it or are feeling ‘hated on’ then they can kindly f#$# off and find another damn job.”

It quickly went downhill from there.  People who normally compliment and encourage each other started spewing insults and hate instead.

That comment is so ridiculous it deserves a closer look. So let’s do that.

OK.  Sure.  Cops are just regular people.  They’re regular people that come to your rescue and stand in harm’s way to protect you.  And it’s true that it is their job and they’re getting paid to do it, but how is that relevant? 

The fact is, being a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) is unlike any other profession.  Name me one other profession where people risk their lives to protect others.  You were about to say “fireman”, weren’t you?  Guess again.  A fireman doesn’t have to wait until the fire burns him until he can protect himself.  But LEOs are expected to use touchy-feely tools and non-lethal means in response to very lethal threats.

So, policeman and fireman?  Apples and oranges.

Only an idiot would be against the police.  Because only an idiot would believe that things would be better if there were no police around.  Why would anyone ‘hate on’ anyone who is willing to literally put their lives on the line to protect someone else? No reasonable person would.

Finding another damn job is exactly what a lot of LEOs are doing.  Why do you think the crime rate is skyrocketing?  It’s because crime is getting worse.  Because there are fewer police officers.  Places that “defunded the police” are getting exactly what they asked for.  Even though they were too stupid to see what they were going to get when they finally got what they thought they wanted.

Now these defunded cities are realizing that getting rid of officers probably wasn’t such a good idea.  Except now they can’t find anyone who wants to throw themselves into the shit show Liberal politicians created with their let’s-placate-some-potential-voters-and-vilify-the-police nonsense.  So, they’re turning a blind eye to some lesser crimes because they simply don’t have the officers to make everyone behave like civilized people. 

Ask San Francisco how well that’s working for them.

I wanted to learn more about the person who would post such stupidity, so I looked him up.  It turns out that he doesn’t exist.  At least not on Facebook.  The account had obviously been either hacked or is a throw-away account for a made-up person.  Either way, the person claiming to have such a strong Liberal dislike of police isn’t the person they’re pretending to be.

Someone intent on causing strife in this normally-friendly place of the Internet, used a fake account to stir up trouble.  And it worked.

Rather than use his real name, he did the Internet version of what the ANTIFA cowards do when they cover their faces while beating up old people or burning down cities.  He hid is real identity. I say that if you’re so sure of your convictions, then you shouldn’t be afraid of anyone knowing that’s what you believe.  That goes for online and in real life.

But not everything needs to be spun into a political discussion and we don’t need to hear your opinion every time you open your mouth.  Sometimes a piece of plastic is just a piece of plastic.  Don’t turn it into something else.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.