
Better the Crazy You Know

What would you do if you had to choose between a candidate who is kind of an idiot and candidate who is sort of crazy? If you haven’t already, you might want to think about it.  Because, you’re likely to be faced with the decision in the not-to-distant future.

Here’s an example:

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is kind of an idiot. 

He made California a “sanctuary state” and doesn’t enforce immigration laws.  Under his leadership, we have the highest taxes in the nation and the biggest homeless problem.  He singularly decided to stop executions and took a “do as I say, not as I do” attitude toward COVID restrictions.

Unbeknownst to the voters who elected him, Gavin Newsom only looked normal.  It turns out that he’s a megalomaniac.

So, a group of concerned citizens took it upon themselves to petition for a recall.  They collected more than the required number of signatures and it looks like there’s going to be a recall election this fall where we will, hopefully, elect a new governor.

One of the people running is Bruce Jenner.  And Bruce is sort of crazy.

Since Bruce legally changed his name to “Caitlyn”, I’m going to use his new name.  So, going forward, I’m going to call Bruce “Caitlyn”.  But, I will continue to refer to him as “he” because you can cut off your dangly bits and add some jiggly parts but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a dude.

So, Caitlyn it is.

Caitlyn is crazy, but he’s a specific type of crazy.  It’s called “gender dysphoria”. And, his personal delusion has no impact on me whatsoever.  Now, it might be different if I had to explain it to little kids.  But, honestly, if you didn’t know better you’d probably just think he’s one of the new, and unattractive, Victoria’s Secret models.  So, if you don’t make a big deal out of it, the kids won’t either.

I was listening to Caitlyn speak his mind the other day and I was surprised that I agreed with most of what he has to say.  He’s in favor of a lot of things I’m in favor of and he’s against a lot of things I’m against.  When he came out strongly opposed to boys competing against girls in sports, I was impressed, especially considering his own situation.

While I may learn some things about his platform that I don’t care for, as it stands, I have a positive view of him and what he believes.  Except for that thing about him believing he’s a she.

Like I said yesterday, there is no guarantee that someone you elect isn’t nuts.  Your mayor, governor, congressman, or senator could be completely out of their mind.  He, or she, could be making life and death decisions influenced by a hidden mental illness, and you might not even know it.

The thing about Caitlyn is that you already know he’s crazy.  And, you know what type of crazy he is.  So, if he has a likely bias, we’re already aware of what it might be.  And, if we already know what it is, it’s easier to recognize it when it happens.  Maybe even before it happens.

California voters must first decide if Gavin Newsom is too big of an idiot to remain in office.  Then, if he’s ousted, we need to decide who will replace him.  It’s certain that Caitlyn will have a number of opponents.  Undoubtedly, most of them will appear to be normal.  The people of California will have to choose between the crazy they know, and the potential crazy they don’t.

What would you do if faced with a similar situation?  If you had to choose between two equally-qualified candidates, would you vote for someone with a known, yet relative harmless, mental illness?   Or, would you roll the dice and hope that the person who looks normal isn’t hiding the fact that they’re actually insane?

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.