
Uninformed Consent

I like to think that I’m a reasonable man.  I also like to think that I keep an open mind.  If someone can come up with a good enough argument, I can be convinced of almost anything.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about “vackseen hesitancy”.  A good number of people worldwide are not planning on being vacksinated.  Needless to say, this is upsetting a lot of people.  I say it’s “needless to say” because pretty much anything anybody does (or doesn’t do) upsets a lot of people.

For the most part, the people complaining are people who have already been vacksinated.  It’s sort of like Eve trying to convince Adam that he should take a bite of the apple.

I am one of those people who have no intention of being vacksinated.  You may call it “vackseen hesitancy”, I call it informed consent.  Or, more accurately, informed dissent.

I’m willing to keep an open mind and I can be convinced to follow your lead.  But I’m not going to do it blindly.  You may be willing to make an uninformed decision to let someone inject you with an experimental drug, but I’m going to need some convincing.

And, there is no way in hell I’m getting vacksinated just because Dr. Fauci and the pharmaceutical companies say I should. 

So, go ahead.  Give it a shot (no pun intended).  Convince me.  I’m even willing to give you a head start.  I’m going to tell you the three things you need to do before you have even a slim chance of changing my mind. 

Convince me that you’re knowledgeable and trustworthy

First of all, unless you’re someone who actually knows what they’re talking about, you have no credibility.  I don’t care if you got vacksinated.  That’s your problem.  I know how uninformed you are, so don’t expect me to follow your lead.

The “experts” have spent the better part of the last year being wrong.  Fauci admits he intentionally misled Americans to manipulate us into doing something he wanted us to do.  And, he has a financial incentive to push COVID testing and the entire vacksination campaign. So, as a credible expert, he’s out. 

The CDC has abandoned science and has morphed into a political organization more concerned with promoting “social justice” than protecting us from diseases.  So, as credible experts, everyone at the CDC is out too.

In fact, there is no one I would trust at face value.  Not anymore.  If you want to convince me to be vacksinated, you need to rebuild my trust from the ground up.  And that’s going to take time.

Convince me your vackseen is medically necessary

The same numbers used to justify the lockdowns and government mandates are being used to indicate the necessity of getting vacksinated.  But the numbers just don’t make sense.  They never have.  So, to convince me, you’ll need to come up with some new and better numbers. 

As I said earlier, I’m not going to believe you just because you say something.  You’re going to have to show me the conclusions you’re drawing from your information and the data that you’re using to get your information.  And then I’ll draw my own conclusions.

We’re going to need to have a serious discussion about comorbidities and how you’re counting “COVID deaths”.  You’ll need to convince me that you understand the difference between “exposed” and “infected” and that the obsessive-compulsive testing that you’ve endorsed tells us what you think it does.

You’ll need to show me how we’ve exhausted other possibilities.  For example: Have you tried to find other readily-available-and-well-known drugs that might be equally as effective as your experimental drug? You’ll need to show me that you’re pushing exercise and eating well as hard as you’re pushing your drug.

I want to know exactly how much better the vackseen is than me just recovering from the disease on my own.  Not some general guestimate that includes people who were near death anyway.  Just tell me why I, specifically, should get vacksinated and how I’ll benefit from doing so.

After a year of this nonsense, you’ve got a ton of data.  You’ll just need to start from scratch and convince me that the conclusions you’re drawing are sound ones. 

Convince me your vackseens are safe

I’m not going to get vacksinated just because you think your vackseens are safe.  I need to know they’re safe.

There are too many stories of people who have had bad reactions from the vackseens for me to ignore.  I personally know people who wish they’d never agreed to be vacksinated.  Why do you think so many people aren’t going back for the second dose?

What’s more, there has been a concerted effort to quash any discussion of the vackseens seriously injuring or killing people.  Since someone is working so hard to convince me that there’s nothing to see, I have to assume that there’s plenty that’s being hidden from me.

I want a guarantee that I’ll be perfectly safe if I allow you to inject me.  I want assurance that I’ll suffer no serious adverse reactions.  If your vaccine injures or kills me, then either my estate or I should become extremely wealthy.  If you’re not willing to put your money where your mouth is then I’m not letting your needle get anywhere near my arm.

To convince me your vackseen is safe, you’d have to be able to show me at least two-years of data and the results of a comprehensive study of all adverse reactions proving there is no risk to me.  Well, that, and be willing to pay me a shitload of money if it turns out that you’re wrong.

And in conclusion…

Like I said, I can be convinced.  It’s just going to take some effort.  Telling me “I got vacksinated so you should too” isn’t going to cut it.  You may be willing to give your uninformed consent, but I’m not.  I’m going to need some convincing.

Hey, just because you agreed to be injected with something that will permanently alter your body doesn’t mean I’m going to do it.  And, for the record, if you jumped off a cliff, I wouldn’t do that either.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.