
Joe’s Brilliant Immigration Strategy

I used to have a tech guy working for me who was really good at what he did.  Whenever we had a problem that we needed solved quickly, he was the guy for the job.  He’d jump in feet first and in hardly any time at all things would be running smoothly again.  And he’d be the hero.  We referred to him as our “firefighter”.

The thing is, I had this suspicion that he was the one creating the problems in the first place.  It always felt like he could fix things so quickly because he knew exactly what was causing them to fail.  I could never prove it, but it seemed like he was starting a fire so he could be the one to put it out.

And then there was a guy I went to high school with.  He was a volunteer firefighter and was always first on the scene when the department was called out.  It turns out that he was setting grass fires so that he could be one of the heroes putting them out.

I saw an article this morning about how Joe Biden was tackling the “border crisis”.  I immediately thought of the two “firefighters” I just told you about.  Joe has to fix a problem of his own making.  Because before he created the border crisis, there was no border crisis. 

Sure, there were already people crossing the border illegally.  No matter what anyone does, there will always be people crossing the border illegally.  The crisis isn’t because of a few illegal aliens, the crisis is because of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens.   And the crisis was caused by Joe Biden. 

One of the things about Americans is that they have a remarkably short memory.  In a few months, most people will forget that there wasn’t a border crisis until it looked like no one was going to be able to prove that Joe stole the election.  The closer we got to January 20th, the larger the caravans of immigrants (they don’t become illegal immigrants until they cross our border) became.

Joe’s immigration policies were designed to inflict the largest amount of damage in the smallest amount of time.  The goal was to create a crisis that Joe (well, Kamala) could solve.  But they can’t it fix right now.  They have to wait for the sweet spot.  They need to fix it when enough time has passed so that people forget who caused the problem in the first place, but still remember who fixed it.

The faster Biden can fuck things up, the better it is for the Democratic Party.  He has to break as many things as he can as fast as he can so that they can be fixed before the midterm elections.  The sooner he does it, the more likely it will be that his supporters will forget that he’s the one who broke things in the first place.  And the Democrats will look like heroes for stomping out fires that they created themselves.

I’m sure by now you’ve asked yourself on more than one occasion, “How could anyone think [insert policy here] is a good idea? How is this going to make anything better?” Those are great questions.  My answer to you is that it depends on what they’re trying to accomplish.  If the goal is to make things better, none of Biden’s policies make sense.  But if the goal is to create massive problems now that they can fix later, those same nonsense policies start to look like brilliant strategies. 

This logic explains every single one of the ridiculously large number of boneheaded things Biden has done in his first few months in office.  Oftentimes it’s the simplest explanation that’s correct.  It seems like he’s purposely trying to break things because that’s exactly what’s happening.  To keep their power after the midterms, the Democrats have to quickly destroy as much as they can, and then hope that people forget what they did.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.