
Finding Bigotry In America

We’ve been told that there is systemic racism in America.  People have literally (and I use that word correctly) said that everything is racist.  That’s the whole concept behind Critical Race Theory.

Here’s the thing.  There are very few people left who are actually racist.  We used to have a lot more, but most of them have either changed their minds or died of old age.

According to Merriam-Webster: Racism is “a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”.

Who could we call a racist?  Off the top of my head, I’d say Hitler clearly fits the bill.  He went out of his way to incinerate millions of people who didn’t meet his requirements for a master race.  Hitler is the poster child for racists. I feel compelled to point out (though it saddens me that I have to) that you can’t blame America for Hitler. We were the ones that stopped him.

Another example is when the palefaces tried to take the “native” out of “native Americans”. Separating kids from their families in order to make them less Indian-like was definitely a sucky racist move. It’s a good thing we stopped doing that over a century ago. Now, before you go all insane because I used the term “paleface”, calm down. I can say paleface because I’m white. Everyone else has to refer to it as the “p” word.

Yet another, less extreme, example is someone who opposes marriage between races.  There used to be a lot of that sort of thing going on everywhere but, at least in America, that notion is pretty much behind us. 

Sure, there are pockets of white supremacists just like there are pockets of black supremacists.  But, those people are few and far between.  Mostly, people just don’t care about race or color anymore.

There is no secret cabal of racist white cops out to exterminate innocent black men.  The system isn’t “rigged” against “people of color” and us white folks don’t have secret meetings where we discuss ways to create a master race. 

Regardless of what BLM, Big Media and the Liberals want you to believe, there is little racism here in the U.S. anymore.  Very few people actually believe that their color somehow makes them superior to anybody else.  The vast majority of people of any color don’t care what color anyone else is.  But we’re constantly being told that we should care and, if we don’t care, we’re a racist.

Racism just isn’t really a “thing” anymore.  But do you know what is?  Bigotry.

Going back once again to Merriam-Webster: A bigot is “a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices”.

Sound familiar?  It should.  Racism is dead or dying, but bigotry is alive and well in America. 

A true racist is hard to find, but bigots are everywhere.  Here are a few ways that will help you spot one:

  • Walk into a Starbucks wearing an “All Lives Matter” tee-shirt.
  • Put a sign on your front lawn saying you support law enforcement.
  • Wear a “Make America Great Again” hat.
  • Ask someone which black lives matter.
  • Use facts, reason and logic to argue a point.

Bigots aren’t interested in talking.  They’re so intolerant that they won’t listen to any differing opinion.  They’re so devoted to their opinions and prejudices that they won’t even entertain the possibility they may be wrong.  Instead, they just keep saying what they’ve been saying, only they say it louder and more in your face. 

Try any of the things I suggested, and you’ll quickly identify the bigots.  They’ll be the ones calling you a racist.

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