
The COVID “Vaccines” by the Numbers

Note: This article is from April of 2021. The numbers have undoubtedly changed since then.

Nearly every person I’ve talked with who has been injected with one of the COVID “vaccines” has complained about being “wiped out” for a day or two.  Unless I happen to personally know everybody who has had that side effect, it’s likely that a huge number of people experience exhaustion as a side effect of the injection.

Being the curious guy that I am, I decided to see if my theory is correct. 

So, I took a look at the VAERS database (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), which is provided by the CDC, to see what I could find. 

There were 8,230 reports of fatigue.  455 people complained of lethargy, 42 reported muscle fatigue and exhaustion isn’t even listed as a possible symptom for any disease.  “Adult failure to thrive” came in with a total of 3 reports, “malaise” was reported 1,880 times and “sluggishness” 51 times.

It’s possible that there’s a fancy medical term for exhaustion that I’m not aware of and I’m missing some of the reports.  So, I scrolled through all 2,700 lines of reported data (which sounds like a lot but it’s only about 50 pages) and nothing popped out at me.

Maybe “nearly everyone” is too big of an estimate.  So, let’s lower that number.  There have been 165 million doses of a COVID “vaccine” administered as of April 4th.  If only 1% of those people experienced extreme fatigue, then there should be 1.65 million reports of such in the VAERS database.

Since there are only 10,661 reports of anything that looks even remotely related to “wiped out”, I’m going to say the data is questionable at best.

Here are some more things I learned by looking at the database that is supposedly the gold standard for tracking adverse effects from vaccines.  The following are all symptoms reported after taking one of the COVID vaccines (U.S. numbers only):

  • Two people reported “X-RAY NORMAL” (I’m not sure about you but I wouldn’t consider “normal” to be an adverse reaction to anything).
  • In one case, the “vaccine” caused “ASBESTOSIS” (which you can only get from long-term exposure to asbestos).
  • In five people, the “vaccine” caused an upper limb fracture (just how long is the needle?).
  • For some reason, “DEATH”, “SUDDEN DEATH” and “SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH” are counted separately (one of these is not like the other?). 
  • There were two reported incidents of “GUN SHOT WOUND” being caused by the “vaccine” (I guess it’s true that guns don’t kill people, “vaccines” kill people).
  • There were 1,785 reports of “DEATH” (see previous snarky comment).
  • 18 people reported “FOAMING AT THE MOUTH” (I’d love to see a video).
  • There were 97 reports of “PULSE ABSENT” (does that mean they’re zombies or vampires?).
  • There were 15 cases of “OESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY”, two of which were normal (say that three times really fast).
  • There were 56 cases of “POSTURE ABNORMAL” (sit up straight and take your medicine!).
  • Five reports of “SHIFT TO THE LEFT” (Caution: the “vaccine” may make you a Liberal).
  • 1,436 people reported “FEELING ABNORMAL” (Abby-someone, Abby-normal).

That’s probably enough to make my point.  This is the same database that is used to show how safe the drugs are.  But I have to question the data. 

Extrapolating from my random sampling of people I know, there should be millions of reported adverse effects.  But with over 165 million doses administered, there have been less than 51,000 reported incidents.

Here’s the thing, there is no mandate to report anything.  It’s all voluntary.  So, it is quite possible that number and types of adverse affects, including deaths, attributed to COVID-19 “vaccines” are grossly underreported.  Also, anyone can submit a report to the VAERS database.  There is no requirement for the submitter to be a medical professional.  So, it’s quite possible that the adverse effects are being overreported

Is the number of deaths that can be attributed to the “vaccines” more or less than 1,785?  How many people have been injected with an experimental drug only to have an adverse reaction that will stay with them for the rest of their lives? 

What is the actual risk associated with taking one of the fast-tracked drugs? I don’t know.  You don’t know.  And, despite what you’re being told by the CDC, Big Media and The White House, nobody else knows either.

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