
Let Girls Be Girls

I’m about to say something that’s likely to trigger a lot of people: Boys and girls are not the same.

There.  I said it.  It doesn’t seem like that should be controversial, but apparently it is.

Let’s continue.

If you stood a boy and a girl side-by-side and asked anyone with at least one working eye, they’d be able to tell you that one thing is not like the other.

By the time they hit their teens, boys typically possess greater physical abilities than girls.  They’re generally stronger, can run faster, jump higher and physically outperform most girls of the same age.  Not every girl, but most girls.

When kids reach their teens is also the time when puberty starts to hit.  The hormones kick in, their bodies start to change shape, hair grows in new places and it becomes even easier to tell the boys apart from the girls.

Physically speaking, boys and girls are different.  They’re very different.  But that doesn’t seem to matter anymore.

Joe Biden’s executive order 86 FR 7023 allows boys to compete against girls.

I don’t have an issue with girls competing against boys.  But, I do have an issue with boys competing against girls. 

Allow me to explain.

If a girl wants to join a boy’s sports team, I think they should be able to do so.  The girl is aware she may be at a disadvantage.  She knows that succeeding may be a struggle.  But, if she feels up to the challenge, she should be able to give it a try.  The coach should treat her exactly as he would any other player.  If she’s good enough, then she should get to play.  If she’s not good enough, then she should sit on the bench.  In this scenario, the only person with a possible disadvantage is the girl who wants to compete against boys.

On the other hand, if a boy wants to join a girl’s sports team, he will likely have an advantage over the girl players.  This puts all of the girls at a disadvantage.  The girls on his own team are disadvantaged because the boy will likely take a spot on the team they would normally get.  Girls on opposing teams are disadvantaged because they’re now likely to be competing against someone more physically capable than they are.  In this scenario, the only person with a possible advantage is the boy who wants to compete against girls.

If I were a girl, I’d be pissed.  Because, with the stoke of a pen, Joe Biden just destroyed girl’s sports.  For countless girls, he just eliminated the possibility for them to get an athletic scholarship, potentially hurting them for their entire lifetime.

But wait, there’s more.

Joe Biden’s executive order also allows boys to use whatever bathroom or locker room they choose.

Imagine back to when you were a teenager and self-conscious about the changes your body was going through.  Pretty much all of us had gym class back then and we were expected to shower afterwards.  Remember how awkward it felt walking around the locker room with your body on display for everyone to see?  Now, think about how it would have felt if someone of the opposite sex was sitting there watching you. 

As someone who used to be a boy, I can tell you that it would have been awful if a girl walked through the boy’s locker room while I was standing there naked.  I’m guessing that it will be even a bigger deal for a girl to have a boy watching her shower.

Remember earlier when I mentioned puberty and hormones.  Joe Biden’s executive order will allow teenage boys with raging hormones, boys who could likely overpower nearly any girl, to use the same locker room as the girls.

Tell me that’s not a recipe for disaster.

Now I know some of you are going to think I’m overreacting.  That I’m blowing this all out of proportion.  But what if I’m right?  What if a boy used Biden’s executive order as a way to get easy access to his victims?  It could happen.  I’ll go so far as to say that it is guaranteed to happen.  

There are over 15 million high school students in the United States.  That leaves a lot of room for error. When a boy who “identifies” as a girl suddenly decides that he’s actually a boy, what do you think is going to happen?  It is ridiculous to believe that girls aren’t going to start getting sexually assaulted by the boys they’re forced to share the locker room with.  Everyone ought to be able to see this coming.  How many girls need to get hurt before people realize this is a horrible idea?

Joe Biden’s executive order assumes that there are no differences between boys and girls.  But we all know that there are.  People need to stop pretending otherwise. We need to let girls be girls.  And protect them before it’s too late.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.