
Consistently Inconsistent

The Right has been remarkably consistent in their message.  All lives matter.  Back the Blue.  Violent protests are wrong.  Biden stole the election.  Masks are stupid.  Recognize the pattern yet?  Exactly.  We’ve been saying the same things for months. 

The Left?  Not so much.  Sometimes they flip-flop on the issues, sometimes they pick and choose how they’re going to interpret things depending on what is most advantageous for them at the time.

Here are a few examples:

Black Lives Matter
Taken literally, the term “Black Lives Matter” is straightforward.  Hard to argue with that.  But, they were very clear that it doesn’t mean “All Black Lives Matter”.  It only means that the lives of a very select few black people matter.  The lives of black people killed by other black people don’t matter.  The lives of aborted black fetuses don’t matter.  Nor do the black lives dying of drug addiction and mental health issues.  The Left believes that “Some Black Lives Matter”, and they get to decide which ones do.

Violent Protests
ANTIFA and other BLM domestic terrorists have been burning cities for months.  Not only that, they’ve been destroying public statues and federal courthouses.  The Right has consistently said that violent protests are wrong.  The media calls them “mostly peaceful protests” while standing in front of a backdrop of buildings being burned to the ground.  For nearly a year, violent protests have been encouraged by Democrats.  But now that it is to their advantage to do so, they denounce some violence, just not all violence.

Back the Blue
For most of 2020, the Democrats were screaming that all cops are racist and police departments should be defunded.  Conservatives have consistently supported the police.  While they believe that some police are bad, the vast majority of them are good people, and good cops.  When the police officer died during the mostly peaceful demonstrations at the Capitol, both Conservatives and Liberals agreed that the officer’s death was a very bad thing.  Conservatives believe it because they always have believed it.  Democrats believe it because it makes a good sound bite.

Conservatives have always claimed that free speech for everyone should be protected.  Meanwhile, the Left gleefully watches as Big Tech censors our voices.  Democrats claim that our ideas incite violence and are a danger to the country.  They claim this while ignoring ANTIFA using those same networks to coordinate attacks against Americans.  Posts that are counter to Leftist ideals are blocked, while terrorists that cry for “death to America” are allowed to communicate unhindered.  Democrats believe that some threats to our country are OK while conservatives believe that anyone who threatens the United States must be stopped.

Election Fraud
Trump supporters have been very consistent with their message: The integrity of our elections MUST be protected.  We watched as Democrats coordinated an attack against the United States by committing massive election fraud.  We saw this with our own eyes.  But the Democrats have changed their stance on election fraud multiple times.   It went something like this:

  • Election fraud is impossible.
  • Fraud is possible but there wasn’t any.
  • There may have been some election fraud.
  • OK, we admit that fraud occurred, but not enough to make a difference.
  • Let’s just ignore the fraud and pretend that it didn’t happen.

If that wasn’t bad enough, now they’re attempting to wipe all references of election fraud from the Internet and censor any mention that it happened at all.

I think everyone can see the pattern.  Conservatives are remarkably consistent.  Democrats are remarkably inconsistent.

There’s a quote that is often attributed to Aristotle, but some say it wasn’t one of his.  Regardless of who said the words, they’re great words.  So, I’m going to share them with you now:

“We are what we repeatedly do.”

Conservatives have repeatedly, consistently and tirelessly fought to protect the rights of all Americans.  They believe that our laws should apply equally to everyone. 

Democrats have repeatedly said and done things that are solely in their own best interest. They’ve changed their story so often it’s difficult to understand what they truly believe.  The only thing consistent about them is their inconsistency.

If we are what we repeatedly do, then people on the Right are patriots.  And the Democrats are, at best, liars.

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