
The Opposite of Gaslighting

There’s a term that I hadn’t heard much before this year, and then I started hearing it a lot.  That term is “gaslighting”.  I didn’t understand what it meant so I did a little poking around. 

The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1938 play (and subsequent film adaptations) titled “Gaslight”.  In the play, a husband attempts to convince his wife that she’s insane by manipulating small parts of her environment and then insisting she’s delusional when she points out the changes.  One of the tactics he uses is to dim the gas lights in their home while pretending nothing happened.

Since the 1960s, the term ”gaslight” has been used to describe efforts to manipulate someone’s perception of reality.

Earlier this year, President Trump started telling people that there would be massive fraud during the 2020 election.  He fought against mail-in-voting and for voter ID because he believed it would facilitate election fraud.

The Democrats and mainstream media claimed that the President was gaslighting the public, his fans primarily, to manipulate them into believing that fraud would be rampant.  They claimed that the President was trying to get people to see things that weren’t really there.

Then the election happened.

On the evening of November 3rd, I went to bed just after multiple states inexplicably, and unprecedently, ceased counting.  Trump had what appeared to be an insurmountable lead and I believed he was going to win.  I didn’t think too much of it and went to sleep.  I woke up in the morning and nearly spit my oatmeal all over my tablet.  After counting resumed, Biden was ahead in every battleground state and the media was declaring him to be the president-elect.

My Spidey-sense was tingling.  Clearly something was up.  But the Democrats and the media claimed the accusations of election fraud were “baseless”.  They said Trump supporters are seeing things that don’t exist because the President had been gaslighting them for months and making them susceptible to seeing fraud where there was none.

And then the evidence started pouring in.  Literally thousands of people have sworn under oath that they witnessed fraud.  We have seen actual videos of ballot harvesting, and ballots pulled out from beneath a table and scanned when no observers were present.  Analysis of voting records show multiple things happened that are statistically impossible.  In some cases, voting officials have been obstructing justice in an effort to stop all investigations into malfeasance.

In short, President Trump was spot on.  The problems with mail-in ballots and the lack of voter ID that the President warned us about were exploited by the Democrats to steal the election.

But the Democrats and the media continue to call the claims of election fraud “baseless”.  Instead of investigating, they simply ignore the evidence.  They continue to gaslight you in an attempt to convince you not to believe the overwhelming evidence you can see with your own senses. Even worse, they’re trying to make sure you never even see the evidence.

The President’s team has had a very consistent message since about a week after the election.  Their message was and continues to be: “There was massive fraud.  Let us prove it.”  However, their efforts to bring their evidence to court is blocked at every turn by the very people who are charged with safeguarding the election.  Instead of working with the President’s team to ensure the election was fair, election officials are actively working against them.

If someone were trying to get you to believe something that doesn’t exist, would they offer to prove their allegations?  Would they work tirelessly to bring their case before a court of law?  I don’t think so.

The Democrats and the media have also had a very consistent message since months before the election.  Their message was and continues to be “There is nothing to see so don’t even look.”  Social media has gone so far as to simply delete any messages that simply mention election fraud.  The media “called” the election long before the votes had been counted and haven’t even bothered to report on any of the numerous examples of election fraud, other than to call them “baseless” time and time again. 

There was and continues to be gaslighting.  But not by the President.  Throughout this year, President Trump has been working to open our eyes to the possibility of election fraud.  The evidence shows that he is correct.  The Democrats and the mainstream media have been, unfortunately and fairly successfully, trying to get people to close their eyes and ignore the staggering amount of evidence of massive fraud, and the subsequent coverup.

The term “gaslighting” is a term used to describe efforts to manipulate someone into seeing something that doesn’t exist.  But, what’s the opposite of gaslighting?  What should we call it when someone says something in an attempt to change your perception of reality and get you to see things that actually do exist? 

I believe there is already a name for that.  We call it telling the truth.

Extra Credit Reading:
If you’re interested in learning more, here’s an excellent summary of the election hijinks that has happened. This is complete up to December 15th, 2020. More examples are being found every day.

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