
Election Fraud and Tootsie Roll Pops

If you voted for Trump, you probably believe that the election was stolen by fraud.  Almost daily, the mainstream media shows the results of a poll asking if Trump voters believe that there was fraud.  The latest number I saw was about 50%.  I don’t know who they’re polling because everyone I’ve spoken to who voted for Trump believes the election was stolen.

I think a more interesting question is: How many Biden voters believe there was voter fraud?  This question would show if even the most dedicated of believers are starting to question the legitimacy of the election.  But the question never gets asked.

Just after the election, the number would probably be close to zero.  People who voted for Biden were so convinced that Trump is evil that there was no question in their minds that Biden won fair and square.  But what about now?  I suspect that, while the number may have started out at zero, it’s starting to inch up.

There is a massive amount of evidence that cheating happened during the election.  Nearly all of it benefited the Democrats.  I say “nearly all”, but it could be that all of the cheating benefitted the Democrats.  I can find no example of anyone other than Democrats cheating but I’m going to leave the door open for the small possibility that someone else did.

As I was saying, there’s a shitload [that’s a Texas term meaning a “whole hell of a lot”] of evidence showing that cheating happened in all of the battleground states. 

  • Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell just told us that they have collected nearly a thousand affidavits from affiants (I just learned that word today) stating, under the penalty of perjury, that they witnessed multiple instances of multiple different types of election fraud.
  • Some really smart people have crunched the voting data and have found dozens of examples where the results are statistically impossible. 
  • Some voting precincts have reported vote counts totaling two to three times more than their number of registered voters.
  • Election observers were unlawfully, and sometimes forcefully, blocked from monitoring the counting of hundreds of thousands of mail-in-ballots.
  • Election officials in Michigan and their families have been threatened to coerce them into certifying election results.

And this is just a small fraction of the evidence piling up.

Although blinded by their extreme, and irrational, hate of President Trump, I like to believe that at least some sufferers from Trump Derangement Syndrome will see what’s happening.  And, some of them will be swayed by both the evidence and their own observations.  Surely some Biden voters are starting to see that, just maybe, there were a ton of shenanigans happening on election night and the Democrats were behind all of them.

Here’s the problem.  Before they can see that a problem exists, they need to be aware of it.  And, that’s difficult to do when they get all of their news from the mainstream media.  The media has decided that the accusations of election fraud are “baseless”, so they refuse to investigate.  Occasionally the media will publish an article but bury it so deep that it’s nearly impossible to find.  If you know what to search for, you can find it.  But, unless you know what to look for, you can’t look for it.  So, before you can look for it, you must have already found it.  It’s a Catch-22.

If a Biden voter does become aware of the evidence, and concluded there was malfeasance, would they be brave enough to admit it?  The Left has created a culture where any type of dissent is punished.  And they’re literally taking names.  So even if someone did suspect fraud, would they be willing to speak up?  I’m sure a few brave souls will but most won’t.  Because if you support Trump in any way, even simply questioning the fairness of the election, you may be subject to harassment and/or “cancellation”.

So, even if the media was asking the question, it’s likely that any Biden voter questioning the results would be afraid to raise their hand.

How many Biden voters suspect the election wasn’t fair?  The answer is the same as how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop.  The world may never know.

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