
A Deafening Silence

My wife gets notification pushes from CNN on her phone.  On Sunday, she saw this headline, “Trump Supporters Clash with Counterprotesters”.  The New York Post echoed the same headline.  Interesting.

If you’re not following the story, a bunch of protesters crashed the Million Mega March on Saturday.  As the rally was dispersing, the protesters started harassing the Trump supporters. 

  • Exploding fireworks and bottles were launched at Trump supporters dining in a restaurant
  • A Trump supporter was hit in the head, knocked down and kicked repeatedly
  • A young couple leaving the rally was pursued down a street and an unidentified liquid was thrown on them
  • Tables of Trump merchandise were overturned and destroyed
  • Black-clad protesters stole hats and flags from Trump supporters and lit them on fire
  • A truck with a MAGA hat on its dashboard was vandalized, sprayed with graffiti and had its tires slashed

So, tens of thousands of Trump supporters gather peacefully for the entire day.  But when protesters show up and start causing harm, it’s the Trump supporters who are blamed for the violence.  The protesters were doing the clashing.  The Trump supporters were defending themselves. 

Regardless of which side you support, you should find these acts repulsive.  Americans were harassed, terrorized, and injured for the sole reason of having a different opinion than their attackers.

The Million Mega March wasn’t a “mostly-peaceful protest”.  It was a completely peaceful protest.  It was, that is, until a group of (probably) ANTIFA thugs crashed the party.  Only then did it become “mostly-peaceful”.

On Saturday, I watched a video of thousands of vehicles carrying Trump Supporters heading into DC.  The person taking the video briefly mentioned that he didn’t feel safe.  That’s ironic.  In all of DC on Saturday, the safest place you could possibly find yourself would be if you were surrounded by Trump supporters.  Each and every one of the people there to support the President would gladly step up to defend you, regardless of your beliefs and regardless of your color.  Can anyone say the same for ANTIFA and other BLM supporters?

I’d like to think that there are “very fine” people on both sides of the aisle.  But, where’s the outrage from the Left?  Why don’t I see Liberals on social media, or the real media for that matter, condemning the violence committed against fellow Americans instead of unjustly blaming them for provoking the attacks?  I see more about the violence against Trump supporters on the BBC or Sky News (Australia) than I do on any U.S.-based media company.

I can understand that people disagree.  That’s OK.  We all disagree at one point or another.  But, what I can’t understand is the total belief that the ends justify the means or why no one on the Left seems to care when people get hurt.  Whether it’s Trump supporters getting attacked at a rally, or innocent business owners seeing their livelihoods destroyed by looters and rioters, Liberals don’t seem to have any empathy for the pain and suffering of others.

It’s possible to disagree with someone yet be outraged when that person is harmed because of their beliefs.

Sure, it’s possible, but the Left doesn’t do it. 

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