
Weaponized Ignorance

There’s an old saying that “ignorance is bliss”.  What it typically means is that the less you know, the happier you are.  But today, it takes on an entirely different meaning.  As the 2020 elections rapidly approach, the less you know, the happier the Biden campaign is.

Joe Biden’s campaign depends on keeping people ignorant for as long as they can.  Hopefully long enough until the votes are cast and it doesn’t matter anymore.

Biden and Harris are both guilty of keeping the American people in the dark.  When asked directly during the vice-presidential debate if Biden would pack the supreme court if elected, Harris started talking about Abraham Lincoln and never did answer the question.  Biden’s own stance on the issue?  “They’ll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over”.

Isn’t that convenient.  He’ll answer a question, which the answer to may impact how people vote, after the votes have taken place.

The media is in collusion with him.  Just this week, Facebook and Twitter blocked posts, and in some cases blocked entire accounts, that mentioned Hunter Biden’s laptop and the potentially damaging information it contained.  Only a few news outlets even bothered to mention the story.

But, Hunter Biden’s laptop and his possible peddling of access to the Vice President of the United States isn’t the only thing you’re missing.

Have you heard about “Crossfire Hurricane”?  Crossfire Hurricane was the codename given to the investigation by the FBI into Trump’s alleged coordination with Russia to influence the 2016 election.  If you didn’t know it by name, you heard of what it was being used for.  Crossfire Hurricane was the investigation that the entire impeachment debacle was based on. 

And now, the tables have turned. 

We’re now finding out that the Clinton campaign was responsible for pointing the FBI at Trump and for funding the creation of the “Steele Dossier” which was used as evidence to justify the investigation.  We’re learning that the information used to create the Steele Dossier was provided by a suspected Russian agent.  And, we’re learning that the FBI used media sources to “verify” items in the dossier which allowed them to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

Well, we would be learning all that if the media would tell you.  There is hardly a mention of any of this in the mainstream media.  This is potentially the biggest political scandal and abuse of power since Watergate, yet the media is largely keeping this out of the spotlight.  Why?  Because they’re helping the Biden campaign keep you ignorant of the facts, at least until after the election.

We have long passed the point where any reasonable person could conclude that the media isn’t biased against President Trump.  Twitter justified their censorship by citing their policy of not allowing “hacked” information to be shared on its platform, but it had no issue with allowing President Trump’s leaked tax returns to be freely shared and discussed. 

There is obviously a bias.  And that bias is keeping the American people unaware of information they need to make an informed opinion. 

It is said that knowledge is power.  The more knowledge you have, the more powerful you are. Ignorance is also power.  But, in the case of ignorance, the power isn’t possessed by the uninformed.  The power belongs to those who are keeping people in the dark.  Giving people knowledge can only hurt Biden’s chance of getting elected.  On the other hand, keeping people ignorant can only help their cause.

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