

I’m sure that by now you’ve wondered why some of the rules and requirements put in place to prevent the spread of the virus seem a bit arbitrary and, in some cases, downright ridiculous. Here’s the secret that they don’t want you to know. The people making these rules don’t have any idea what they’re doing.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that anyone else could do better. What I’m saying is that NOBODY knows what they’re doing. Over the past few months, the WHO, CDC and even Dr. Fauci have flip-flopped on numerous points. Masks aren’t helpful at all. Masks are helpful but only in certain situations. No wait, masks are absolutely mandatory and you’ll kill your grandma if you don’t wear one. See the pattern? That’s just one example of many.

They’re making this up as they go. Instead of admitting that they’re learning along with the rest of us and doing the best they can, they speak as if they’re completely knowledgeable about how to handle the situation. Many, actually most, people believe that they’re the “experts” and should be listened to without question.

There is an unprecedented amount of testing happening which is producing a tremendous amount of data. Politicians have more raw data available to them than at any other point in history. But, they have absolutely no experience drawing conclusions from the data. Most seem not to have even a basic understanding of how statistics work. Further, the “effect” can sometimes lag the “cause” by a couple of weeks. So, no one really knows for certain what causes the numbers to change when they do. There is no control group and absolutely no scientific method being used.

That they are clueless is obvious when they say things like: Hair salons are OK but nail salons aren’t. You can get your eyes checked but you can’t order new contacts/lenses. You won’t spread the virus protesting but you will if you go to the beach. You have to wear a mask unless you’re black, then it’s optional. But people continue to go along with whatever crazy solution is proposed because they’re afraid.

I was walking my dog yesterday (sans mask) and watched as a woman approached me. When she was about 50 feet away, she put on her mask and then actually walked out on the street to avoid me. She looked terrified. But that’s what she’s supposed to feel.

Politicians and the media are working very hard to make sure that you’re afraid of the virus. They use incorrect, incomplete and sometimes irrelevant data to justify their actions. The message being delivered, and what’s making people afraid, is that this is an extremely deadly disease and that catching it is near certain death. But it’s not.

The media is quick to show a video of someone who “miraculously survived their fight against the virus” but they hardly mention at all that the vast majority of people who catch the virus are fine. In fact, a large percentage of people don’t even realize they had it.

People aren’t being informed that having lots of people either asymptomatic or with mild symptoms is actually a good thing and can help us reach herd immunity. Most people don’t realize that the death rate is 10 to 100 times less than initially predicted (depending on demographic, location, etc.). This misinformation is designed specifically to make people panic. Because without the panic, people will start to realize that the people leading us through this “crisis” are just winging it.

There’s a saying that goes something like this: “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” The next time you’re asked to blindly follow some new restriction, stop and ask yourself which one you’re seeing.

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Mike is just an average guy with a lot of opinions. He's a big fan of facts, logic and reason and uses them to try to make sense of the things he sees. His pronoun preference is flerp/flop/floop.